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Add to My Citations To Frank Fuller
13 December 1867 • Washington, D.C.
(MS: Craven, UCCL 00173)
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224 F street
em spaceem spaceem spaceem spaceem spaceem spaceem spaceem spaceem spaceem spaceem spaceem spaceem spaceem spaceem spaceem spaceem spaceem spaceem spaceWash. Dec. 13


Dear Gov:

I believe I have made a mistake in not lecturing this winter. I did not suppose I was any better known when I got back than I was before I started—but every day I find additional reasons for thinking I was mistaken about that. I have prepared a new lecture which I think I shall like better than the old one, when I shall have finished amending it. The Correspondents’ Club have threatened to call me out for a speech for the benefit of their widows & orphans, & if they do I shall [respond. ]—say any time within the next 2 or 4 weeks.1 If it made anything of a hit, I should be tempted to receive proposals from Young Men’s Christian Ass.’s & such like. Because I am already dead tired of being in one place so long. I have received 2 or 3 calls lately from N. Y. & Indiana towns. When are you coming down? I might take a “disgust” any moment & sail for Cal.


Sam Clemens.

Explanatory Notes | Textual Commentary

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1 For the “new lecture,” called “The Frozen Truth,” see 8 Jan 68 to JLC and PAM, n. 7. For the Correspondents’ Club, see 10 Dec 67 to JLC and family, n. 5.

glyphglyphSource text(s):glyph
MS, collection of Mrs. Robin Craven.

glyphglyphPrevious publication:glyph L2, 136; AAA / Anderson Galleries 1934, lot 122, excerpt.

glyphglyphProvenance:glyphsold on 6 or 7 November 1924 by Anderson Galleries, New York City, sale no. 1870, lot 84 (“Autographs and Manuscripts of the Late F. Hopkinson Smith”). Mrs. Craven provided CU-MARK with a photocopy of the MS on 21 April 1969.

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respond.[period doubtful]