St. Valentine’s Day,
Washington, Dec. 5.
Dear Miss Emma—
I [ ha ]suppose I have made you, mad, too, maybe, but with all my heart I hope I haven’t. You wasn’t particularly civil to an old & defeated chess antagonist, the day you left the ship, but I declare to goodness (pardon the expression,) I cannot bear malice for that. Mr. Beach told me in New York, that even Mrs. Fairbanks felt hurts about that best-natured squib that ever was written (I refer to the one in the [Herald],) & Charlie, Langdon has not dropped me a line.1 Mrs. Fairbanks has, though, & scolds—scolds hard—but she can’t deceive this Prodigal Son—I detect the good nature & the forgiveness under it all.
I lost the sermon at Mr. Beecher’s, because I left for Washington long before Sunday came round.2
Nothing but the happy occurrence of St Valentine’s Day at this unexpected season of the year could have given me an excuse to write to a young lady whom I have known so long, esteemed so well & met in so many continents, I suppose, though it seems absurd enough to me that one should be privileged only once a [year ]to say a friendly word in cases like these.
But I wanted to know whether you are maliciously disposed or not—& moreover I wanted to know whether you have barred pew No. 54 against me or not.3 Beware how you close the church against the [ seeker a ] sinner, old fellow—you wot not what mischief you may do.
I perceive by the almanac that St Valentine’s Day will continue in force until just a week from [to-day]. That is mighty ‸particularly‸ fortunate for me, Miss Emma, because now you can sit down and dash off an answer to this, immediately. And I am perfectly well satisfied that you are kind enough & good enough to do it, too.
I [am ]behaving myself, now, in a whi way which would entirely satisfy Mrs. Fairbanks.
Yours, with all respect & esteem,
L. Clemens,
224 F street, Washington
P.S. It was not I that wrote the critical article in the Herald signed “A Passenger.” It was Dr Jackson.4 I do
S. L. C.
Explanatory Notes | Textual Commentary
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
L2, 126–127; MTMF, 2, brief excerpt; Christie, lot 1186, excerpts.
Provenance:see Doheny Collection, pp. 511–12.
Emendations and textual notes:
ha • [possibly ‘kn’]
Herald • Her[a◊]d [torn]
year • yea[◊] [torn]
seeker a • [possibly ‘seeker o’]
to-day • to-|day
am • a[m] [torn]