[two or three heavily canceled words] Jno. Russell Young Esq
Dr Sir:—I thought Swinton was going up today, but he has put it off. I wanted him to call & get those three Holy [Land ]letters I sent up.1 I was afraid, myself, that they would not pass muster. I did not suppose I would need them, [but ]I may. I have a proposition from Richardson’s Hartford publishers, & if I make a move toward getting up a book I can make some sort of use of those three letters. Wherefore, I if they have been condemned, I I will I wish you would order that they be re-mailed to me, else I fear they may be destroyed & the world come to grief in consequence.
That stupid burlesque I sent up has “gone up,” too.2 No matter. I will strike a serious vein yet, that will corral the Tribune.
I am sorry to trouble you so much, but behold the world is full of sorrows ., & grief is the heritage of man.
Yrs Truly
Sam. L. Clemens
P.S.—And at the same time, please have the crazy burlesque returned, also, if it is not destroyed. I wish to deposit it & oblige yrs Truly
Explanatory Notes | Textual Commentary
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
L2, 125–126.
Provenance:donated to DLC in 1924 by Mrs. John Russell Young
and Gordon R. Young.
Emendations and textual notes:
T • [partly formed]
Land • Lan Land [corrected miswriting]
but • but | but [corrected miswriting]