‸P.S.—I room with Bill Stewart & board at Willard’s Hotel.‸ 1
Wash, Nov. 25
Dear Folks—
Tired & sleepy—been in Congress all day & making newspaper acquaintances. Stewart is to look up a clerkship in the Patent Office for Orion—things necessarily move slowly where there are ‸is‸ so much business & such armies of office-seekers to be attended to. I guess it will be all right. I intend it shall be all right.2
I have 18 invitations to lecture, at $100 each, in various parts of the Union—have declined them all.3 I am for business, now.
Belong on the Tribune staff, & shall write occasionally. Am offered the same berth to-day on the Herald by letter. Shall write Mr. Bennett & accept, as soon as I hear from Tribune that it will not interfere.4 Am pretty well known, now—intend to be better known. Am hob-nobbing with these old Generals & Senators & other humbugs for no good purpose.5 Don’t have any more trouble making friends than I did in California. All serene. Good-bye. ‸Shall continue on the “Alta.”‸
Yrs aff’ly Sam.
224 F. cor. 14th.
Explanatory Notes
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
L2, 116–117; MTB, 1:346–47; Davis 1954, excerpt.
Provenance:see McKinney Family Papers, pp. 512–14.