Tribune Nov. 25
Dear Mr Young
I have neglected until this last moment (5 PM) to write you that Mr Bennett Jr offers me an occasional correspondence for with the Herald—impersonal, of course, I suppose.1 I spoke to your brother2—he said I had better write you. I wish to remain on the Tribune, with [signature. ]—on the Herald without, will not make any difference will it?
I will not answer Mr. Bennett finally until I hear from you.
Very Truly
Sam Clemens
[letter docketed:] File
Explanatory Notes | Textual Commentary
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
L2, 115–116.
Provenance:donated to DLC in 1924 by Mrs. John Russell Young
and Gordon R. Young.
Emendations and textual notes:
signature. • [deletion implied]