20 November 1867 • (1st of 2) • New York, N.Y.
(MS: NPV, UCCL 00155)
New York, Tuesday,
Nov. 19.
Dear Folks—
W The Quaker City arrived at 10 this morning—I suppose the passengers have been worrying all day, but I got off at once—got introduced to the head Customs Inspector & he passed my trunks without opening them.1 I have been bumming around the newspaper offices all day—the Herald folks got me at 6 o’clock, & notwithstanding I had an engagement to dine at the s St Nicholas with some ladies & take them to the theatre, I sat down in one of the editorial rooms & wrote a long article that will make the Quakers get up & howl in the morning. I did not get through till 10 PM—didn’t go to the theatre, of course.2 I have been trying to get home to the Westminster ever since—just accomplished now, after [midnight. ]—have seen a good many friends, you bet you. When Charles Dickens sleeps in this room next week, it will be a gratification to him to know that I have slept in it also.3
I sent a package to you by Julius Moulton, but have forgotten to give him your address.4 I leave for Washington [to-morrow].
Yrs aff
[written across previous paragraphs:]
We were in the Bermudas during the whole of the late awful storm—fortunate, wasn’t it?5
Send the enclosed article to the Republican6—
Explanatory Notes | Textual Commentary
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
L2, 103–105; MTBus, 94–95.
Provenance:See McKinney Family Papers, pp. 512–14.
Emendations and textual notes:
midnight. • mid-|night. [deletion implied]
to-morrow • to-|morrow