U.S. Consul’s Office,
Beirut, Syria, Sept. 11.
Dear Folks—
We are here, eight of us, making a contract with a dragoman for to take us to Baalbek, then to Damascus, Nazareth, &c, then to Lake Genassareth (Sea of Tiberias,) then south through all the celebrated Scriptural localities, to Jerusalem—then to the Dead Sea, the Cave of Macpelah & up to Joppa where the ship will be. We shall be in the saddle three weeks—we have horses, tents, provisions, arms, a dragoman & 2 other servants, & we pay five dollars a day apiece in gold.1
Love to all.
We leave tomorrow tonight at 2 oclock in the morning.2
[letter docketed:] Rec’d in St. Louis Oct. 11. P. A. M.
Explanatory Notes
Abraham, of Malta, is Chief Dragoman, & Mohamed
—— of Alexandria, Egypt is 1st Assistant. Camp Equipage: 3 sleeping tents; 1 kitchen tent, & 1
eating tent—all large, finely furnished &
handsome. Our caravan numbers 24 mules & horses, & 14
serving men—28 men all told. The United States consul general in Beirut was J. A.
Johnson (N&J1, 416–17; Denny, entry for 10 Sept; Interior
Department, 8).
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
L2, 93–94; MTL, 1:136.
Provenance:see McKinney Family Papers, pp. 512–14.