westminster hotel, cor. of irving place and
16th st. new york roberts
& palmer proprs
New York, June 1, 1867.
Gov. Frank Fuller—Dear Sir: Please take charge of my affairs while I am gone to Europe, (as per previous understanding,) & in the absence of a better, let this note be full & sufficient authority. Collect the ten per cent cents a copy due me on all sales of my book ‸(“The Jumping Frog & Other Sketches—by Mark Twain,”)‸ from my publisher, C. H. Webb, from time to time, & remit all such moneys to my mother, Mrs. Jane Clemens, 1312 Chesnut street St. Louis, Mo.1
& Oblige
Yrs Very Truly
Sam. L. Clemens
[remainder in pencil:]
P.S.—On board Quaker City, N.Y. harbor, June 8.—I forgot to forward this to you several days ago. I thought I had done so.
Sam L. Clemens
Explanatory Notes
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
L2, 53; MTLP, 11–12.
Provenance:donated to CtHMTH on 8 February 1944 by the
Hartford War Bond Committee.