Westminster Hotel,
New York, June 1.
Dear Folks—
I know I ought to write oftener (just got your last,) & more fully, but I can not overcome my repugnance to telling what I am doing or what I expect to do or propose to do. Then, what have I left to write about? Manifestly nothing.
It isn’t any use for me to talk about the voyage, because I can have no faith in that voyage or any other voyage till the ship [ un ]is under way. How do I know she will ever sail? I My passage is paid, & if the ship sails, I sail in her—but I make no calculations, have bought no cigars, no sea-going clothing,—have made no preparation whatever—shall not pack my trunk till the morning we sail. Yet my hands are full of what I am going to do the day before we sail—& what isn’t done that day will go undone.1
All I do know or feel, is, that I am wild with impatience to move—move—Move! Half a dozen times I have wished I had sailed long ago in some ship that wasn’t going to keep me chained here to chafe for lagging ages while she got ready to go. Curse the endless delays! They always kill me—they make me neglect every duty & then I have a conscience that tears me like a wild beast. I wish I never had to stop anywhere a month. I do more mean things, the moment I get a chance to fold my hands & sit down than ever I can get forgiveness for.
Yes, we are to meet at Mr Beach’s next Thursday night, & I suppose we shall have to be gotten up regardless of expense, in swallow-tails, white kids & everything en régle.2
I am resigned to Rev. Mr. Hutchinson’s or anybody’s else’s supervision. I don’t mind it.3 I am fixed. I have got a splendid, immoral, tobacco-smoking, wine-drinking, godless room-mate who is as good & true & right-minded a man as ever lived—a man [ whole whose ]blameless conduct & example will always be an eloquent sermon to all who shall come within their influence.4 But send on the professional preachers—there are none I like better to converse with—if they ain’t narrow minded & bigoted they make good companions.
I asked them to send the N.Y. Weekly to you—no charge. I am not going to write for it—like all other papers that pay one splendidly, it circulates among stupid people & the canaille. I have made no arrangement with any New York paper—I will see about that Monday or Tuesday.5
Love to all.
Good bye
Yrs affy
Explanatory Notes | Textual Commentary
by securing another lion,—General Sherman.... The
advantage[s] of having the great military hero with
the party were duly expatiated upon; the honors and attention he
would receive at every place the party visited, and which of course
the company at large would come in for a share of, were set forth,
and the tickets began to go off again. Now comes a rumor that
General Sherman is going to desert—that he cannot arrange
his private affairs so as to leave the country for so long a time as
the trip will take. Here is a bombshell on Captain
Duncan’s quarter-deck? Can the rumor be true? We must
demand of the General, as we did of Mr. Beecher, a categorical
answer forthwith, whether or not he goes to Jerusalem with the
Duncan party. Meantime we are assured that Mark Twain will not back
out, and that Maggie Mitchell is going along, so that if the party
loses in clerical and military distinction it will make up in the
material for social enjoyment. (“Is General Sherman Going
to Palestine?” 27 May 67, 2) In a letter dated 25 May and published in the principal New York
newspapers on 31 May, Sherman made it clear that
“circumstances have occurred to prevent the
fulfillment” of his intention to go to Europe with the Duncan
party. Sherman’s command covered vast areas of Indian
territory, and because “various tribes of Indians ... being
pressed from every quarter, have become nervous, excited, and, in some
cases, positively hostile,” he could not leave his post for
so long a period (“Major-General Sherman,” New
York Tribune, 31 May 67, 5). Shortly after the
Quaker City departed in June, the Times described the effect that the withdrawals
of Beecher and Sherman seemed to have had on the passenger list: This excursion was set on foot some four months ago by Capt. Duncan, and was originally designed to
embrace a select and somewhat exclusive party, but before the
steamer sailed it was found necessary to lower the standard a
little, and ordinary persons with $1,200 to spend were
enabled to purchase tickets. Rev. Henry
Ward Beecher, who was early announced to be of the party, found it
inconvenient to make the trip, and more recently Gen. Sherman was compelled to forego the
pleasure; so that after the withdrawal of these two leading names
from the bill of attractions, the passenger list gradually
diminished until the steamer was obliged to sail with about half the
complement of names provided for in the original programme
[i.e., half of 110]. Nevertheless the party will
doubtless be equally jolly, if not quite so select as at first
contemplated. (“The Pleasure Excursion to Europe and
Palestine—Sailing of the Quaker City,” 9 June
67, 8)
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
L2, 49–53; MTB, 1:321–22, excerpts; MTL, 1:125–26.
Provenance:see McKinney Family Papers, pp. 512–14.
Emendations and textual notes:
un • [‘n’ partly formed]
whole whose • whol se