westminster hotel, cor. of irving place and
16th st. new york roberts
& palmer proprs
May 19 20th 1867.
Friend Corry O’Lanus
I am one magazine article & eighteen letters behindhand (18 days to do them in, before sailing,) & so I am obliged to give up the idea of lecturing any more. Confound me if I won’t have a hard time catching up anyhow. I shall stick in the house day & night for 2 weeks & try, though, anyhow.1
I got Mallison’s note, & went over the river s Sunday, backwards & forwards 6 times, & then visited the closed Eagle & stood around till a quarter past 11 A.M, but found nobody; & returned to New York.2
I wanted to tell you I [had ]given up my Brooklyn lecture, but it will do just as well now, perhaps.
I am glad to hear your tickets are going off so fast, & hope you will sell a thousand more than the house will hold.3
Remember me to Mallison & the boys, & say I will be over as soon as I have got half of my letters written.
And so, with a thousand thanks for the valuable favor you were so willing to do me,4
I remain,
Yours Sincerely
Mark Twain
Explanatory Notes | Textual Commentary
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
L2, 45–47.
Provenance:see Stanton Collection, p. 517.
Emendations and textual notes:
had • ha | had