Westminster Hotel
May 1, 1867.
Dear Bret—
I take my pen in hand to inform you that I am well & hope these few line [s] will find you enjoying the same God’s blessing.
The book is out, & is handsome. It is full of damnable errors of grammar & deadly inconsistencies of spelling in the Frog sketch because I was away & did not read the proofs—but be a friend & say nothing about these things.1 When my hurry is over I will send you an autograph copy to pisen the children with.
I am to lecture in Cooper Institute next Monday night. Pray for me.
We sail for the Holy Land June 8. Try & write me (to this hotel,) & it will be forwarded to Paris, where we remain 10 to 15 days.
Regards & best wishes to Mrs Bret & the family.2
Truly Yr Friend
Explanatory Notes
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
L2, 39–40; MTB, 1:320, brief excerpt; Phelps 1914, 215; MTL, 1:124; Phelps 1939, 492.
Provenance:Bequest of William Lyon Phelps, deposited at CtY-BR in 1944. In Essays on Books,
Phelps wrote that he was given the letter “in 1908, by Bret
Harte’s sister, Mrs. Wyman, of Oakland, California”
(Phelps 1914, 215 n. 1).