Westminster Hotel
May 1.
Dear Folks—
Don’t expect me to write for a while. My hands are full of business, on account of my lecture for the 6th inst., & everything looks shady, at least, if not dark. I have got a good agent—but now that after we have hired the Cooper Institute & gone to an expense in one way or another of $500, it comes out that I have got to play against Speaker Colfax at Irving Hall, Ristori, & also the double troupe of Japanese Jugglers—the latter opening at the great Academy of Music—& with all this against me I have taken the largest house in New York & cannot back water. Let her slide! If nobody else cares, I don’t.1
I’ll send the book soon.2 I am awfully hurried, now, but not worried.
Explanatory Notes
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
L2, 38–39; MTB, 1:314, with omissions; MTL, 1:124.
Provenance:see McKinney Family Papers, pp. 512–14.