westminster hotel, cor. of irving place and
16th st. new york roberts
& palmer propRS
April 19.
Dear Folks—
Direct my letters to [ the this ]hotel in future. I am just fixed, now. It is the gem of all hotels. I have never come across one so perfectly elegant in all its appointments & so sumptuously & [tastefully ]furnished.1 Full of “bloated aristocrats” too, & I’m just one of them kind myself—& so is Beck Jolly.2
The book will issue the 25th. James Russell Lowell (“Hosea Biglow,”) says the Jumping Frog is the finest piece of humorous writing ever produced in America.3
Give my love to all my sweethearts.
Good bye
Dorsey 4 goes west in a day or two.
Orion Clemens Esq | 1312 Chesnut street | St Louis | [Mo ] [postmarked:] [new-york ]apr 19 [postage stamp removed] 5
Explanatory Notes | Textual Commentary
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
L2, 27–28; Previous publication:
MTB, 1:321, brief quotation.
Provenance:see Mark Twain Papers, pp. 514–15; the envelope was deposited at
ViU on 17 December 1963.
Emendations and textual notes:
the this • theis
tastefully • [‘e’ mistakenly dotted and the dot canceled]
Mo • M[o] [torn]
new-york • new-yo[r]k [torn]