St Louis, Apℓ II,/67.
Howard Tucker Esq
Dr Sir—
I hasten to acknowledge the receipt of $35 from the Library Association, in full of all moneys due me from the proceeds of the lecture delivered by me on the 8th ins’t.1
The “Mark Twain’s” referred to are all right, now—I forgot them when I left Keokuk. Notwithstanding your damaging surmises, they are all the family I have got—or am aware of, at any rate.2
Remember me kindly to Mr Bower3 & believe me
Yrs Truly
Sam Clemens
Explanatory Notes
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
L2, 20–21.
Provenance:The letter has presumably remained in the library since Tucker, treasurer of
the Keokuk Library Association in 1867, received it.