St Louis, Mch 19.
Friend Webb—
Everything is going well here, with the pilots, & I shall see that the same is the case with the New Orleans river men.1
Telegraph me the what date you expect to publish, & if it is to be more than ten days hence, I had better lecture here. I have been invited, & I have promised to give the committee an answer just as soon as you can telegraph me from N. Y. about the book. If you ‸are to‸ publish before March is out, though, I will preach in N. Y. first.2
Yrs Truly
1312 Chesnut street
St Louis.3
Explanatory Notes
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
L2, 18–19; MTLP, 11, without Clemens’s revisions.
Provenance:deposited at ViU on 17 December 1963.