4 December 1866 • San Francisco, Calif.
(MS, damage emended: NPV, UCCL 00112)
San.f., Dec. 4, 1866.
My Dear folks—
I have written to Annie & Sammy & [Katie some ]time ago—also to the balance of you.1
I called on Rev. Dr Wadsworth last night with the City College man, but [the old rip ]wasn’t at home. I was sorry, because I wanted to make his acquaintance. I am [thick & thieves ]with the Rev. Stebbings, & I am laying for the Rev. Scudder & the Rev. Dr Stone.2 I am running on preachers, now, altogether. I find them gay. Stebbings is a regular brick. I am taking letters of introduction to [Henry Ward ]Beecher, Rev. [Dr Tyng], & [other ]eminent parsons in the east.3 Whenever anybody offers me a letter to a [preacher now], I snaffle it on the spot. I shall make Rev. Dr Bellows trot out the fast nags of the [cloth for ]me when I get to New York. Bellows is [ cons an able], upright & eloquent man—a man of imperial intellect & matchless power—he is [Christian ]in the truest sense of the term & is unquestionably a brick.4
I lectured in [Oakland ]the other night,5—guest of J. Ross Browne & his charming family, & a Mrs. Porter was to have been there to see me, but it rained & she couldn’t—he says she [ is knew ]me in Hannibal. I wonder who it is—‸ [ neé ] ‸ Lavinia Honeyman, maybe—I cannot think of any other.6
Gen. Drum has arrived in Philadelphia & established his [head-quarters ] [ a there], as [ Aj Adjutant ]Genℓ. [ under to Maj. ]Gen. Meade. Col. Leonard has received a letter from him in which he offers me a complimentary benefit if I will come there. I am much obliged, really, but I am afraid I shan’t lecture much in the States.7
The China Mail Steamer is getting ready & everybody says I am throwing away a fortune in not going in her. I firmly believe it myself.
I sail for the States in the Opposition steamer of the 15th inst., positively & without reserve. My room is already secured for me, & is the choicest in the ship. I know all the officers.8
Yrs Affℓy
Explanatory Notes | Textual Commentary
“Mark Twain” goes off on his journey over the world as the Travelling Correspondent of the Alta California, not stinted as to time, place or
direction—writing his weekly letters on such subjects and from such places as will best suit him; but we may say
that he will first visit the home of his youth—St. Louis—thence through the principal cities to the
Atlantic seaboard again, crossing the ocean to visit the “Universal Exposition” at Paris, through
Italy, the Mediterranean, India, China, Japan, and back to San Francisco by the China Mail Steamship line. That his letters
will be read with interest needs no assurance from us—his reputation has been made here in California, and his
great ability is well known; but he has been known principally as a humorist, while he really has no superior as a
descriptive writer—a keen observer of men and their surroundings—and we feel confident his letters to
the Alta, from his new field of observation, will give him a world-wide reputation.
(“‘Mark Twain’s’ Farewell,” 15 Dec 66, 2, in Benson, 213) Clemens’s account of his harrowing voyage to New York is preserved in his note-book of the trip
and in his correspondence for the Alta (see N&J1, 238–99,
and MTTB, 11–81). His plan to visit the Far East, in acceptance of Anson Burlingame’s invitation, and
then return to San Francisco by the China Mail Steamship line was not accomplished. He did, however, visit his family in St.
Louis during March and April 1867, and he visited the Paris exposition, Italy, and the Mediterranean later that year as a
member of the Quaker City excursion.
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
L1, 368–370; MTL, 1:122, with omissions.
Provenance:See McKinney Family Papers, pp. 459–61.
Emendations and textual notes:
Katie some • Kati[e] some [torn]
the old rip • [Revised in pencil, probably by Paine: ‘the old rip‸he‸’ or possibly ‘the old rip‸he‸’.MTL reads ‘he’.]
thick & thieves • [sic]
Henry Ward • Henry [W]ard [torn]
Dr Tyng • D[] |Tyng [torn]
other • othrer [‘e’ over ‘r’]
preacher now • preache[r] |now [torn]
cloth for • cl[] |for [torn]
cons an able • [‘an able’ over ‘cons’]
Christian • Ch[r]istian [torn]
Oakland • O[a]kland [torn]
is knew • [‘k’ over ‘is’]
neé • [sic]
head-|quarters • head-|quarters [i.e., ‘headquarters’]
a there • [‘t’ over ‘a’]
Aj Adjutant • Ajdjutant [‘d’ over ‘j’]
under to Maj. • [‘to Maj.’ over ‘under’]