3 April 1866 • Honolulu, Sandwich Islands
(MS: NPV, UCCL 00097)
Honolulu, Sandwich
Islands, April 3, 1866.
My Dear Mother & Sister:
I have been here two or three weeks, & like the beautiful tropical climate better & better. I have [ w ridden ]on horseback all over this island (Oahu) in the meantime, & have visited all the ancient battle-fields & other places of interest. I have got a lot of human bones which I took from one of these battle-fields—I guess I will bring you some of them.1 I went with the American Minister to & took dinner this evening with the King’s Grand Chamberlain, who is related to the royal family, & although darker than a mulatto, he has an excellent English education & in manners is an accomplished gentleman.2 The dinner was as ceremonious as any I ever attended in California—five regular courses, & five kinds of wine and one of brandy. [ I am to He is to ]call for me in the morning with his carriage, & we will visit the King at the palace3—both are good Masons—the King is a Royal Arch Mason.4 After dinner [to-night ]they called in the “singing girls,” & we had some beautiful music, sung in the native tongue.
The steamer I came here in sails tomorrow, & [ s as ]soon as she is gone I shall [ se sail ]for the other islands of the group & visit the great volcano—the grand wonder of the world. Be gone 2 months.5
Explanatory Notes | Textual Commentary
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
L1, 334–335; MTB, 1:283, 284, excerpts; MTL, 1:104.
Provenance:see McKinney Family Papers, pp. 459–61.
Emendations and textual notes:
w ridden • [‘r’ over ‘w’]
I am to He is to • [‘He is to’ over ‘I am to’]
to-night • to-|night
s as • [‘a’ over ‘s’]
se sail • seail [‘a’ over ‘e’]