5 March 1866 • San Francisco, Calif.
(MS: NPV, UCCL 00096)
San Francisco,
March 5, 1866.
My Dr Mother & Sister:
I start to the Sandwich Islands day after [to-morrow ](I suppose Annie is geographer enough by this time to find them on the map,) in the steamer “Ajax.” [ I We ]shall arrive there in about 12 days. [ I have My friends ]seem determined that I shall not lack acquaintances, for I only decided to-day to go, & they have already sent me letters of introduction to everybody down there worth knowing. , the King included, I believe. I am to remain there a month & ransack the islands, the great cataracts & the volcanoes completely, & write twenty or thirty letters to the Sacramento Union—for which they pay me as much money as I would get if I staid at home.1
If I come back here I expect to start straight across the continent by way of the Columbia river, the Pen d’Oreille Lakes, through Montana & down the Missouri river—only 200 miles of land travel from San Francisco to New Orleans.2
Good bye for the present.
Explanatory Notes | Textual Commentary
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
L1, 333–334; MTB, 1:282, brief excerpt; MTL, 1:103.
Provenance:see McKinney Family Papers, pp. 459–61.
Emendations and textual notes:
to-morrow • to-|morrow
I We • [‘I’ doubtful]
I have My friends • [‘My frie’ over ‘I have’]