San F, Oct. 18, ’64.
My Dear Bro
Capt Blaisdell1 says they talk some of running you for U S Senate. Do you think you stand any show? If so, maybe you had better make friends with your Carson enemies—that is, if you approve of the Scriptural doctrine which makes it a man’s duty to love his enemies.2
I am getting along satisfactorily.3 Send the stock—send the stock. If I don’t sell it I will send it back, & I shan’t sell without advice from Sam Martin, at Va, who is watching the mine.4
My Love to Mollie. I wrote to Ma yesterday.
Yr Bro
Explanatory Notes
was hit with one of his spasms of virtue on the very day that the
Republican party was to make its nominations in the Convention.
Orion refused to go near the Convention. He was urged, but all
persuasions failed. He said his presence there would be an
unfair and improper influence, and that if he was to be
nominated the compliment must come to him as a free and
unspotted gift. This attitude would have settled his case for
him without further effort, but he had another spasm of virtue
on the same day, and that made it absolutely sure. . . . On
nomination day he suddenly changed from a friendly attitude
toward whiskey—which was the popular
attitude—to uncompromising teetotalism, and went
absolutely dry. His friends besought and implored, but all in
vain. He could not be persuaded to cross the threshold of a
saloon. The paper next morning contained the list of chosen
nominees. His name was not in it. He had not received a vote.
(AD, 5 Apr 1906, CU-MARK, in MTA, 2:318) The Republican candidate for secretary of state, elected in November
1864, was Chauncey N. Noteware. Orion was elected to the state assembly
in November 1865 and served from 1 January to 1 March 1866 (Andrew J. Marsh, 694 n. 296; Angel, 87, 529; Journal of the Assembly, passim).
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
L1, 316–318.
Provenance:probably Moffett Collection; see p. 462.