9 and 10 January 1864 • Carson City, Nev. Terr.
(MS: CU-MARK, UCCL 00073)
2 P. M. Sunday—I thought of writing you a letter, but I expect I shall not; I just got up a little while ago; went to bed at 7 o’clock this morning; I was out visiting the girls until 10 o’clock (they were in bed when we got there—but we were not in a hurry—we waited until the[y] got up & dressed again—they had been out to a ball all the previous night.) I wrote the balance of the night—an article for the New York Sunday Mercury. If I send it at all, it will be in a few days, & consequently it may appear the first Sunday or so after you get this. You tell Beck Jolly to get a copy lot of those papers & stick them around everywhere there is any one acquainted with Zeb Leavenworth, & drive the old fool into the river. The article contains a ‸an absurd‸ certificate for a patent medicine, purporting to come from “Mr. Zeb. Leavenworth, of St. Louis, Mo.” I wrote it especially for Beck Jolly’s [use.—]so he could pester Zeb.2
Well, I won’t write any more now. Ma, we are going to send for you in the Spring. Make Aunt Betsy Smith3 come out with you—[ sh you ]two would enjoy yourselves in Carson & Virginia, you bet you! Then I could burlesque you occasionally, you know.
All are well. Good bye. [ Lege Legislature ]meets day after to-morrow.4
Sam L. Clemens
Explanatory Notes | Textual Commentary
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
L1, 271–272; MTB, 1:243, brief excerpt.
Provenance:see Mark Twain Papers, pp. 461–62.
Emendations and textual notes:
d Dear • [‘D’ over ‘d’]
use.— • [dash over period]
sh you • [‘y’ over ‘s’ and another character, possibly partly formed ‘h’ or ‘l’]
Lege Legislature • Legeislature [‘i’ over ‘e’]