20 June 1863 • San Francisco, Calif.
(MS: CU-MARK, UCCL 00068)
Lick House, June 20.
My Dear Bro.
The Echo progresses! The terms of compromise were agreed on yesterday—I don’t know what they are, yet—only that they are rather severe on us. But every inch saved is bully, you bet. You can make money at trading Emma for Echo at 5 feet for one. But I don’t ‸want‸ to trade at that rate—nor any other, for that matter. Gould & Curry, it is conjectured, will advance to the neighborhood of a thousand dollars an inch within the next twelve months—and take my word for it, the Echo will make ’em hunt their holes within the next twenty-four. It is on the main Gold Hill lead, and the nastiest old ledge in Nevada Territory. I have [ h stores ] of information on hand, but [ is it ] is not for publication just yet. I have played my cards with a stiff upper lip since [ I my ] arrival here—sometimes flush, sometimes dead broke & in debt—have spent eight hundred dollars, & sent [Mas ] two hundred—was strapped day before yesterday, but I’m on the upper side of the wheel again to-day, with twelve hundred dollars in the bank & out of debt—nine-tenths of it will be invested to-morrow,[ — & ]then I’ll hold up & start home in a day or two. But through it all, I have kept strict watch over the Echo, & when money was to be spent in order to get into anybody’s good graces or gain a point in the way of information, I have spent it like a Lord, & trusted to luck to get even again. Oh, I tell you I’m on it. And mind, if you can’t sell your Echo at $3,000 a foot fifteen months from now, do you pack up your traps & go home—because then it will be proved that all promises fail in this country. As I told you before, let people imagine that you own about a thousand feet in it if they will. I’ve got Echo on my brain—that’s what’s the matter with me.1
Mollie, my Dear, I enclose some more pictures for those girls, if they want them. All hearty—how are you?2
Yr Bro
Explanatory Notes | Textual Commentary
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
L1, 258–259.
Provenance:probably Moffett Collection; see p. 462.
Emendations and textual notes:
h stores • [‘s’ over ‘h’]
is it • it s [‘t’ over ‘s’]
I my • [‘m’ over ‘I’]
Mas • [possibly ‘Ma’; the canceled ‘s’ may be merely a superfluous stroke]
— & • [‘&’ over dash]