18–30 September 1861 • Carson City, Nev. Terr.
(MS: CU-MARK, UCCL 00033)
Form for message, transmitting to the Council, House Bills for concurrence.
Territory of Nevada.
House of Representatives
Carson ________ 1861.
To the Hon: the Council.
The House [sends] transmits [for the concurr] herewith for the concurrence of the Hon: the Council, the following Bills:
An act &c
An act &c
An act &c
— — — —— —
Clerk. 1
[in pencil:]From Hon. Chief Justice Turner2—I send your book by Dorsey, Orion—why the devil didn’t Turner send it to you himself while he was in the States?3
Explanatory Notes | Textual Commentary
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
L1, 128.
Provenance:see Moffett Collection, p. 462. Clemens wrote this note on a handwritten form
pasted in a scrapbook kept by Orion Clemens (see p. 129, n. 3). The paste
caused the edge of the form to wrinkle. Slight variations in the weight of
Clemens’s pencil line inscribing ‘—I
send’ and ‘the devil’ (128.17 and 128.18)
correspond to the wrinkles in the paper, indicating that the form was
already pasted into the scrapbook when Clemens wrote his note. The leaf has
never been folded and therefore can never have been mailed, in an ordinary
envelope at any rate. No evidence survives to indicate when or why it was
torn out of the scrapbook.
Emendations and textual notes:
sends transmits • [‘trans-|’ over ‘sends’]
for the concurr herewith for the • [‘herewith for the’ over ‘for the concurr’]
Respl’y • [sic]