per Telegraph Operator
21 June 1858 • Memphis, Tenn.
(MS: CU-MARK, UCCL 00017)
western union telegraph co. send the following message subject to the above conditions:1Memphis June 21 1858. Cor Comℓ & Chesnut Henry Died this morning leave tomorrow with the Corpse 2 Samℓ. Clemens. [canceled in pencil:]9 a 50 & 110 Col |
Explanatory Notes | Textual Commentary
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
L1, 85–87.
Provenance:see Moffett Collection, p. 462.
Emendations and textual notes:
lines. • [Below the company name on the telegram blank is printed: ‘TERMS AND CONDITIONS ON WHICH MESSAGES ARE RECEIVED BY THIS COMPANY FOR TRANSMISSION. The public are notified, that, in order to guard against mistakes in the transmission of messages, every message of importance ought to be repeated, by being sent back from the station at which it is to be received to the station from which it is originally sent. Half the usual price for transmission will be charged for repeating the message. This company will not be responsible for mistakes or delays in the transmission or delivery of unrepeated messages, from whatever cause they may arise; nor will it be responsible for damages arising from mistakes or delays in the transmission or delivery of a repeated message, beyond an amount exceeding two hundred times the amount paid for sending the message; nor will it be responsible for delays arising from interruptions in the working of its Telegraphs, nor for any mistake or omission of any other Company over whose lines a message is to be sent to reach the place of destination. All messages will hereafter be received by this Company for transmission, subject to the above conditions.’]
Moffitt • [sic]