I have already written two letters within the last two hours, and you will excuse me if this is not lengthy. If I had the money, I would come to St. Louis now, while the river is open;1 but in the last two or three weeks I have spent about thirty dollars for clothing, so I suppose I shall remain where I am. I only want to return to avoid night work, which [is ]injuring my eyes. I have received one or two letters from home, but they are not written as they should be; [and know ]no more about what is going on there, than the man in the moon. One only has to leave home to learn how to write an [interesting [letter] ] 2 to an absent friend when he gets back. I suppose you board at Mrs. Hunter’s yet—and that, I think, is somewhere in Olive street above Fifth.3 Phila is one of the healthiest [places in ]the Union. I [wanted to spend ]this winter in a [warm climate; ]but it is too late now. I don’t like our present prospect for cold [ wh weather ]at all.
Truly your brother
Explanatory Notes | Textual Commentary
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
L1, 33; MTB, 1:101, excerpts; MTL, 1:30.
Provenance:see McKinney Family Papers, pp. 459–61. In about 1880, Orion Clemens incorporated this letter MS in the draft of his
autobiography then in progress; his page numbers appear in purple ink atop each page.
Emendations and textual notes:
Philadelphia • [P]hiladelphia [torn]
My Dear • M[y De]ar [torn]
is • is is
and know • [sic]
interesting [letter] to • interesting |to
places in • places [i]n [torn]
wanted to spend • wante[ n]d [torn]
warm climate; • warm [clmat]; [torn]
wh weather • wheather [‘e’ over partly formed ‘h’]