Philadelphia, Nov. 28th 1853.
My Dear Brother:
I received your letter [to-day]. I think Ma ought to spend the winter in St Louis. I don’t believe in that climate—it’s too cold for her.1
The printer’s’ annual ball and supper came off the other night. The proceeds amounted to about $1.000. The printers, as well as other people are endeavoring to raise money to erect a monument to Franklin, but there are so many abominable foreigners here (and among printers, too,) who hate everything American, that I am very certain as much money for such a purpose could be raised in St Louis, as in Philadelphia[.] 2 I was in Franklin’s old office this morning,—the “North American” (formerly “Philadelphia Gazette”), and there [were ]at least one [foreighner ]for [every ot o American ]at work there.3
How many subscribers has the Journal got? How m What does the job-work pay? and what [ th does ]the whole concern pay? I have not seen a [copy of ]the paper yet.
[I intend to take ]Ma to Ky., [anyhow], and if I possibly have the money, I will attend to the deeds too.4
I will try to write for the paper occasionally, but I fear my letters will be very uninteresting, for [this ]incessant night work dulls one[’s] ideas amazingly.
From some cause, I cannot set type near so fast as when I was at home. Sunday is a long day, and while others set 12 and 15,000, yesterday, I only set 10,000. However, I will shake this laziness off, soon, I reckon.
I always thought the eastern people were patterns of [uprightness.; ]but I never [ below before ]saw so many whisky-swilling, God-despising heathens as I find in this part of the country. I believe I am the only person in the Inquirer office that does not drink. One young fellow makes $18 for a few weeks, and gets on a grand “bender” and spends every cent of it.
How do you like [“free-soil?5 I ]would like amazingly to see a good, old-fashioned [negro.” ]My love to all
Truly your brother
S Sam.
Explanatory Notes | Textual Commentary
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
L1, 28–29; MTB, 1:101, excerpts; MTL, 1:29, with omissions; MTBus, 18, 28, brief excerpts.
Provenance:see McKinney Family Papers, pp. 459–61.
Emendations and textual notes:
to-day • to-|day
were • [sic]
foreighner • [sic]
every ot o American • every ot o | American [Possible miswritten ‘ot’ followed by a partly formed character, possibly ‘o’ or ‘a’. Clemens implicitly deleted ‘ot’ by beginning the partly formed character; he explicitly deleted both together, apparently when he ran out of space at the end of the line.]
th does • [‘d’ over ‘th’]
copy of • cop[y f] [torn]
I intend to take • I [in to] take [torn]
anyhow • any[] |how [water-stained]
this • thsis [‘i’ over ‘s’]
uprightness.; • [semicolon over period]
below before • belowfore [‘fore’ over ‘low’]
“free-soil? I • “free-soil?—|I
negro.” • [sic]