This Web publication of more than 700 letters, like the fifteen printed volumes of the Mark Twain Papers that precede it, could not have been achieved without the unstinting support of the National Endowment for the Humanities, an independent federal agency, which has continuously funded editorial work on Mark Twain’s writings since 1966. The Endowment’s outright and matching grants to the Mark Twain Project of The Bancroft Library provided more than half the necessary support for this undertaking. The other half, the funds required to be matched one-for-one by the Endowment, came to the Project partly in the form of five very large and generous gifts from The Barkley Fund. To the Endowment and The Barkley Fund we wish to say, once again, thank you. And to the University of California, Berkeley, Class of 1958, which is creating an endowment to support the Project’s future, we are again deeply grateful: members of this class are identified in these listings by an asterisk (*).
For their exceptional contributions to the Mark Twain Project we also want to thank the following: Phyllis Bogue, Mrs. Helen Kennedy Cahill, J. Kimo Campbell, Robert Paul Corbett, Lawrence E. Crooks, *Robert A. Ellsworth, Ann and David Flinn, Florentine Films, Peter B. and Robin Frazier, Virginia R. Furth, Dr. and Mrs. Orville J. Golub, Heller Charitable and Educational Fund, Stephen B. Herrick, Ira Michael Heyman, The Hofmann Foundation, James M. Hotchkiss, Jr., The House of Bernstein, Inc., *Don E. Kosovac, Dr. and Mrs. Watson M. Laetsch, *Lynn B. Little, The Mark Twain Foundation, *Anne Melbye, Robert and Beverly Middlekauff, The Miriam and Harold Steinberg Foundation, Inc., *Mr. Richard H. Morrison, *S. V. Nelson, Jeanne G. O’Brien, Peter K. Oppenheim, *Edward H. Peterson, Clyde and Marian Rasmussen, Renee B. Fisher Foundation, *Roger and Jeane Samuelsen, *Thomas C. Schneider, Susan Severin, Benjamin and Susan Shapell, Willis and Marion Slusser, Camilla and George Smith, Bruce Smith, Randall L. Smith, Janet and Alan Stanford, *Montague M. Upshaw, Jeanne B. Ware, Sheila M. Wishek, and Peter and Midge Zischke.
For their generous sustaining gifts over the last five years, without which we would not have succeeded in matching the Endowment’s offers in that period, we want to thank especially *John B. Adams, Michele Aldrich, *Donald L. Allari, Richard and Rita Atkinson, Mr. and Mrs. John P. Austin, Nancy and Howard Baetzhold, *Jerrold J. Bagnani, Bank of America Foundation, Mr. and Mrs. Dix Boring, Allan G. Bortel, *Barbara Bowles, *Lawrence Brackett, *David A. Brown, Robert Pack Browning, *John B. Bush, Lucy and Donald Campbell, Robert M. Clarke, *Lawrence H. Cohn, Leonard Collins, Mr. and Mrs. Wilson G. Combs, *David E. Conklin, *Rolleen S. Connell, Judith F. Cortese, *Jeanneane H. Cunliffe, *James T. Curry, Mrs. Henry Daggett in memory of Phyllis Bogue, *Lester E. De Wall, Jack and Mary Jane Dold, The Dow Chemical Company Foundation, Professor Victor A. Doyno, Jon A. Dubin, Dayton R. Duncan, Betsy W. Feichtmeir in memory of Raymond A. Feichtmeir, Ms. Carol and Mr. John Field, Victoria and Barry Fong, George and Mary Foster, William and Marianne Gagen, Donna M. Garaventa, *John and Charlotte Gilmore, *William L. Gonser, *Robert L. Gray, *Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Griffin, Robert D. Haas, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hager, Susan K. Harris, Betty Helmholz, Kenneth E. Hill, Mrs. W. James Hill, Robert H. Hirst and Margaret A. Wade, Hal Holbrook, *Charles A. Holloway, Richard W. Holmes, *Elizabeth A. Hook, George J. Houle in memory of Catherine S. Houle and Kenneth M. Ramseur III, *Robert Ilko, Jean A. MacAllum Trust, Mr. Waring Jones, *Fred L. Karren, *Linda B. Keene, Dennis and Hene Kelly, Holger Kersten, *Carol L. King, *G. Alan Kingston, Horst and Ursula Kruse, Lucius Lampton, M.D., Irene and Jervis Langdon, Jr., Allan and Caroline Littman, Alexander H. Lucas, Lucent Technologies Foundation, *John R. MacConnell, Mr. Michael Maniccia, Michael J. Marston, Beverly Wagler Matson, Beverly and Fritz Maytag, Deborah McCabe, Martin and Janis McNair, Hugh D. McNiven, Lee and Linda Meier, Merrill Lynch and Company Foundation, Gwendolyn V. Mitchell, F. Van Dorn and Carolyn U. Moller, James and Juanita Moore, Tim Muller, Sharon Niederhaus, Ms. Arlene Merino Nielsen, *Surl Nielsen, Terry and Linda Oggel, Terence J. O’Reilly, *Axel Ovregaard, Garry I. G. Parton, *Jack D. Paxton, Scott Pector, *Peter T. Peterson, David Wingfield Pettus, Daniel Pinkel, Lila and Neville Rich, Justine Roberts, Mr. Richard E. Roberts, Mr. Leigh Robinson, Mark J. Robinson, Mrs. Ernest H. Ruehl, *James Ryan, Russ and Carolyn Ryder, Donald A. and Joanne Sandstrom, *Jack M. Saroyan, Thelma Schoonmaker in memory of Michael Paul, Katherine B. Schwarzenbach, Wen-Hsing and James Sha, Shell Oil Company Foundation, Inc., John and Sheri Shenk, *R. S. Sherman, Richard J. Sideman in honor of Thomas and Kiyoko Woodhouse, Michael R. Sims, David C. Smith, M.D., Catherine R. Spieker, Charles G. and Tracy I. Stephenson, Stephen R. Stewart, Barbara Temby, Thomas A. Tenney, Betty Alexandra Toole, Ed.D., Gretchen Trupiano, Arnie Turrentine, *Carol J. Upshaw, *Carol L. Voss, Craig Walker, Fred T. Weiss, *Ronald G. Wheatcroft, Kent and Catherine E. Williams, Warren and Barbara Winiarski, Thomas and Kiyoko Woodhouse, Patricia Wright in memory of Timothy J. Fitzgerald, Alvin Ziegler, and Jim Zwick. We want also to thank here several anonymous gifts, including one in memory of Deane Robertson, as well as two gifts from the members of the University of California, Berkeley, Class of 1938.
Crucial to encouraging these and many other donors has been the Mark Twain Luncheon Club, conceived and founded by Robert Middlekauff, Watson M. Laetsch, and Chancellor Emeritus Ira Michael Heyman, who have together utterly transformed the Project’s ability to raise operating funds. Together with the present and former members of the board of directors for the Club—Charles B. Faulhaber, Ann Flinn, Victoria F. Fong, Robin Frazier, Peter E. Hanff, Janet Stanford, Catherine and Kent Williams, Thomas Woodhouse, Alvin Ziegler, and Midge Zischke—they have by their efforts ensured that the editors of the Mark Twain Project would be able to apply their long years of experience to the production of Mark Twain Project Online, where these letters are published with annotation for the first time. And they have persuaded many generous donors to contribute both to the operating cost and what is now being created as an endowment to support the Project until its completion. That endowment is even now being created by members of the University of California, Berkeley, Class of 1958, as their 45th- and 50th-year gifts to the University. This effort to create sustained support, unique in the history of the Project, is being led by three members of the class: Edward H. Peterson, Roger Samuelsen, and Don Kosovac. For all this generosity, material and otherwise, we are indeed very grateful.
We also thank Donald A. McQuade, Vice Chancellor for University Relations, for his unprecedented efforts to ensure the financial stability of the Mark Twain Project. Institutional support has been essential to our survival. We could not have accomplished our work without the exceptional resources and knowledgeable staff of The University Library at Berkeley and The Bancroft Library, which together constitute one of the world’s greatest (and busiest) research libraries. We especially wish to thank Thomas C. Leonard, University Librarian, Charles B. Faulhaber, James D. Hart Director of The Bancroft Library, and Peter E. Hanff, its Deputy Director, for their unwavering financial and moral support of the editorial work. The members of the Mark Twain Project’s Board of Directors have also been essential to its survival. In addition to Thomas C. Leonard, Charles B. Faulhaber, and Peter E. Hanff, we are grateful to Jo Ann Boydston, Laura Cerruti, Don L. Cook, Frederick Crews, Michael Millgate, George A. Starr, G. Thomas Tanselle, and Elizabeth Witherell. Each has contributed much to our ongoing efforts to edit Mark Twain’s papers and works.
Despite the reduced budgets of recent years, the University of California has continued to provide a home, and much of the funding for the Project’s administrative needs. But perhaps just as important has been its willingness to grant exemptions from indirect costs (significantly reducing the editorial costs borne by the Endowment grants). We wish especially to thank Patricia A. Gates and Susan Hedley of the Sponsored Projects Office, and Beth Burnside, Vice Chancellor for Research. For both tangible and intangible support we also thank Paul R. Gray, the Vice Chancellor and Provost.
All editors of Mark Twain are permanently indebted to the generations of scholars who pioneered in the tasks of locating, copying, collecting, and publishing his letters—particularly Albert Bigelow Paine and his successors as Editor of the Mark Twain Papers: Bernard DeVoto, Dixon Wecter, Henry Nash Smith, and Frederick Anderson. Paine’s Mark Twain: A Biography (1912) and Mark Twain’s Letters (1917) are still indispensable works of scholarship, and are sometimes the only known source for letters reprinted here. Wecter’s Mark Twain to Mrs. Fairbanks (1949) and The Love Letters of Mark Twain (1949) were the first editions to publish Mark Twain’s letters in accord with modern scholarly standards for annotation and transcription, although just eleven years later, Henry Nash Smith and William M. Gibson’s Mark Twain–Howells Letters (1960) established new and even higher standards. Frederick Anderson assisted Smith and Gibson in that work and, until his death in 1979, served as Series Editor for the Mark Twain Papers, which included among its first volumes Hamlin Hill’s Mark Twain’s Letters to His Publishers, 1867–1894, and Lewis Leary’s Mark Twain’s Correspondence with Henry Huttleston Rogers, 1893–1909, published in 1967 and 1969, respectively. And, finally, The Union Catalog of Clemens Letters (1986) and the Union Catalog of Letters to Clemens (1992), edited by Paul Machlis—the latter with the assistance of Deborah Ann Turner—were essential to the preparation of this online edition of Mark Twain’s 1876–1880 letters. We have profited from all of these books in ways too numerous to bear mention in the notes.
The Mark Twain Papers in The Bancroft Library are the archival home for almost a quarter of the seven hundred twenty-five letters published here. Mark Twain’s own private papers were brought to the University of California in 1949—a result of Dixon Wecter’s irresistible persuasiveness and the accommodating generosity of Clara Clemens Samossoud. Subsequent gifts and purchases over the years have added substantially to this massive cache of private documents. For gifts of letters used in this volume we are grateful to the late Violet Appert, Mary Barton, Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Gunn, the late Mrs. Eugene Lada-Mocarski, the late Jervis Langdon, Jr., Mr. Robert S. Pennock, Mrs. Bayard Schieffelin, and the late Irving S. Underhill. And for a very large gift of some two hundred letters in the form of copies typed by or for Albert Bigelow Paine, in addition to numerous documents relating to Mark Twain and his official biographer, we wish to thank Anne T. Cushman, widow of Paine’s grandson, Bigelow Paine Cushman, and Marianne Curling, Consulting Curator, who catalogued and otherwise facilitated this very valuable and generous gift to the Mark Twain Papers. Paine’s typed copies provide the texts of 18 letters in 1876–80 for which no original has been found.
Special thanks go also to William P. Barlow, Jr., for providing access to his large collection of manuscript and book auction catalogs, which in several cases provided the unique source for letter texts in this volume. We are likewise indebted to Todd M. Axelrod, executive director of the Gallery of History in Las Vegas, who generously gave us direct access to the nearly one hundred and thirty letters he has collected (nine in this online edition, and several more in previous print volumes). And we are grateful to both Christie’s and Sotheby’s, of New York City, for providing access to several letters before they were sold at auction.
All other original letters published here are owned, and have been made available to the editors both directly and in photocopy, by the following repositories or individuals, to whom we and the reader are indebted: American Antiquarian Society, Worcester, Massachusetts; University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, Arkansas; Darwin R. Barker Library Association, Fredonia, New York; Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut; Mr. and Mrs. Fred D. Bentley; Norman Boas; Boston Public Library and Eastern Massachusetts Regional Public Library System, Boston, Massachusetts; Lawrence I. Berkove; Calaveras County Museum and Archives Library, San Andreas, California; University of California, Los Angeles, Young Research Library, Department of Special Collections; University of California, Santa Barbara, University Library, Department of Special Collections; Angelo Cifaldi; Columbia University, New York City; Connecticut Historical Society, Hartford, Connecticut; Connecticut State Library, Hartford, Connecticut; James S. Copley Library, La Jolla, California; Cornell University, Ithaca, New York; Robin Craven; Robert Daley; Chester L. Davis, Sr.; Elmira College, Elmira, New York; Folger Shakespeare Library, Washington, D.C.; Galena Public Library, Galena, Illinois; Georgetown University, Washington, D.C.; Hartford Seminary Foundation, Hartford, Connecticut; Rutherford B. Hayes Presidential Center, Fremont, Ohio; Houghton Library, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts; Peter Howard; William White Howells; Henry E. Huntington Library, San Marino, California; Dan Hyman; University of Illinois, Rare Book Room, Urbana, Illinois; Indiana University, Lilly Library, Bloomington, Indiana; Victor and Irene Murr Jacobs; Maxwell R. Keniston; Kentucky Historical Society, Frankfort, Kentucky; Pierce A. Koslosky; Lehigh University, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania; Litchfield Historical Society, Litchfield, Connecticut; Kevin Mac Donnell; Mark Twain Home Foundation, Hannibal, Missouri; Mark Twain House and Museum, Hartford, Connecticut; Mark Twain Museum, Hannibal, Missouri; Middlebury College, Middlebury, Vermont; National Library of Scotland, Edinburgh; Newberry Library, Chicago, Illinois; Henry W. and Albert A. Berg Collection, New York Public Library, New York City; New York Public Library, New York City; New York State Library, Albany, New York; State University of New York at Buffalo; Pennsylvania State University, Pattee Library, University Park, Pennsylvania; Historical Society of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia; Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey; Putnam Museum, Davenport, Iowa; Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center, University of Texas, Austin; University of Reading Library, Whiteknights, Reading, Berkshire, England; Franklin D. Roosevelt Library, Hyde Park, New York; Charles W. Sachs; St. Mary’s Seminary, Perryville, Missouri; Susan W. Saltzman; Letitia Scott-Curtiss; Robert Slotta; Smith College, Neilson Library, Mortimer Rare Book Room, Northampton, Massachusetts; Society of California Pioneers, San Francisco, California; Southeast Missouri State University, Cape Giradeau, Missouri; University of Southern California, Feuchtwanger Library, Los Angeles, California; Shaun Spear; Sterling Memorial Library, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut; Harriet Beecher Stowe Center, Hartford, Connecticut; Tennessee State Library and Archives, Nashville, Tennessee; United States Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.; United States National Archives and Records Service, National Archives Library, Washington, D.C.; Vassar College Libraries, Poughkeepsie, New York; State Library of Victoria, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia; Clifton Waller Barrett Library, University of Virginia, Charlottesville; Louis A. Warren Lincoln Library and Museum, Fort Wayne, Indiana; Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri; Maurice Weidenthal; Historical Society of Western Pennsylvania, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, Virginia; Memorial Library, University of Wisconsin, Madison; State Historical Society of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin.
A number of librarians and scholars have assisted us in transcribing, annotating, and tracing the provenance of the 1876–1880 letters, and in reproducing images that are part of or accompany those letters and other letters previously published in print volumes. We owe particular thanks to the following: Carol Beales and Ron Vanderhye, James S. Copley Library, La Jolla, California; Robert J. Bertolf and Mike Basinksi, Poetry/Rare Books Collection of the University Libraries, State University of New York at Buffalo; Patricia M. Boulos, Boston Athenaeum, Boston, Massachusetts; Alvan Bregman and Bruce Swann, Rare Book and Special Collections Library, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Illinois; Iain G. Brown, Manuscripts Division, National Library of Scotland, Edinburgh; Lee Brumbaugh, Nevada Historical Society, Reno, Nevada; Robert Buckeye and Danielle Rougeau, Abernethy Collection, Middlebury College, Middlebury, Vermont; Dawn Eurich, Burton Historical Collection, Detroit Public Library, Detroit, Michigan; Chatham Ewing, Department of Special Collections, Olin Library, Washington University, St. Louis; Nancy Finlay, Connecticut Historical Society Museum, Hartford, Connecticut; Edward Gaynor, Albert and Shirley Small Collections Library, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia; Isaac Gewirtz and Tom Lisanti, Henry W. and Albert A. Berg Collection, New York Public Library, New York City; Faye Haun, Museum of the City of New York; Gerard Hayes, Australian Manuscripts Collection, State Library of Victoria, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia; David Zeidberg, Sara S. Hodson, Olga Tsapina, Erin Chase, and Natalie Russell, Henry E. Huntington Library, San Marino, California; Claudia A. Jew, The Mariners’ Museum, Newport News, Virginia; Kevin Johnson, Kentucky Historical Society, Frankfort, Kentucky; Luella H. Kurkjian, Hawaii State Archives, Honolulu, Hawaii; Jennie A. Levine, Hornbake Library, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland; Tab Lewis, United States National Archives and Records Service, National Archives Library, Washington, D.C.; Deborah K. McAnallen and Elizabeth Chadham McKee, Reference Department, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, Arkansas; Tony Marshall, State Library of Victoria, Melbourne, Australia; Margaret O. Moore, Mark Twain House and Museum, Hartford, Connecticut; Leslie Morris, Houghton Library, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts; photographic services and permissions staff, New York Public Library, New York City; Jeanne C. Pardee and Regina Rush, University of Virginia Library, Charlottesville, Virginia; Ronald D. Patkus and Dean Rogers, Vassar College Library, Poughkeepsie, New York; John Reazer, Harriet Beecher Stowe Center, Hartford, Connecticut; Dawn R. Rodrigues, California State Library, Sacramento, California; T. E. Rogers, Marlborough College, Marlborough, Wiltshire, England; Jay Satterfield and Eric Esau, Dartmouth College Library, Hanover, New Hampshire; Susan Stravinski, Department of Special Collections, Memorial Library, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin; Ann Sundermeyer, Hannibal Free Public Library, Hannibal, Missouri; Henry Sweets, Mark Twain Home Foundation, Hannibal, Missouri; Kathryn Totton, Special Collections Department, University Library, University of Nevada, Reno, Nevada; Patricia M. Virgil, Buffalo and Erie County Historical Society, Buffalo, New York; Patricia C. Willis, and Laurie Klein, Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut; H. Scott Wolfe, Galena Public Library, Galena, Illinois; Mark Woodhouse, Center for Mark Twain Studies and Gannett-Trip Library, Elmira College, Elmira, New York; Richard Workman, Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center, University of Texas, Austin, Texas; Laetitia Yeandle, Folger Shakespeare Library, Washington, D.C.; Roberta Zonghi, Boston Public Library, Boston, Massachusetts.
The Web publication of these letters is the product of a collaboration between the Mark Twain Project, the University of California Press, long the publisher of our print volumes, and the California Digital Library. Our contributing editor and former colleague Anh Q. Bui worked with Andrea K. Laue and Adele Framer at the Project, with Laura Cerruti of the Press, and with Felicia Poe of the California Digital Library on the crucial early planning of the electronic infrastructure; Bui and Laue also established Text Encoding Initiative P4-compliant guidelines for encoding the letter texts in XML. For the texts’ inclusion in the Mark Twain Project Online, the following team designed, encoded, built, and tested the search and reading interfaces: Sharon K. Goetz, Benjamin Griffin, and Leslie Myrick of the Mark Twain Project; Laura Cerruti; and Erim Foster, Kirk Hastings, Martin Haye, Jane Lee, Catherine A. Mitchell, Felicia Poe, Lisa R. Schiff, Scott Smith, and Steve Toub, all of the California Digital Library.
Finally, we thank our present and former colleagues at the Mark Twain Project. Our contributing editors Robert Pack Browning, Richard Bucci, Paul Machlis, and Kenneth M. Sanderson carefully examined many of the original manuscripts for the letters of 1876–1880 that belong to other institutions. Neda Salem, administrative assistant to the Mark Twain Project, assisted us on a daily basis in too many ways to enumerate. Nancy Miller drafted preliminary textual commentaries. Several students and interns also made important contributions: Brittany Alvy and Bradley Hunt performed the essential task of searching newspapers in microfilm, in the course of which Hunt identified two previously unknown letters by Mark Twain published in the Hartford Courant; George Derk participated in proofreading; Michael Ferguson, Hillary Gravendyk, and Samantha Robinson assisted in encoding letter texts; Emily Matienzo and Jack Traylor assembled biographical information on Mark Twain’s correspondents; Evan Litwack and Arman Rezaee helped in the lengthy process of securing permissions for the use of digital images. All of these individuals made the editing of Mark Twain’s letters an especially congenial endeavor.
V.F. M.B.F.
The Mark Twain Project has for more than two decades now relied on the moral and financial support of many individuals who cannot count themselves among the "new billionaires," but who have nevertheless loyally sent us checks at material cost to themselves. We want again to acknowledge their heroic loyalty and generosity by listing all of them here, in alphabetical order. Members of the Class of 1958 listed here, as well as other contributors to the class’s endowment fund, are identified by an asterisk (*).
Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Aaron II in honor of Jack Rosston
Carol S. Adams
Thomas H. G. Aitken
*Emily M. Akey
Elizabeth V. Allen
*Max M. Allen
The Reverend Russell H. Allen
*Donald and Marion Allin
*Beverly M. Al-Rawi
Altria Group, Inc.
Joseph A. Alvarez
Erna P. Anderberg
*Donald E. Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Ward Anderson
William R. Appel
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Aracic
*Robert D. Armstrong
AT&T Foundation
Barbara F. Avery
Richard Bachenheimer
John Edward Back
*Charles M. Bailey
Fred Balderston
George H. Baldwin
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Balfour
*Frances Wyatt Barlow
Gerald and Cathie Bartholomew
*Rich Bartke
*Ann Baumann
Carolyn P. Baxter
Peter and Candice Baxter
Clifford M. Beaton
Stephen L. Beck
*Linda M. Beery
Robbie Behrens
*Bruce W. Belding
Ruth Bendor in memory of Florence Robinson Brodie
William and Joyce Bengen
Justine L. Bennett
Seth Benson
Bruce and Deborah Bentz
*Richard E. Berger
Norman M. Berk
Lawrence I. Berkove in memory of Pascal Covici, Jr., and James D. Wilso
Paul Berkowitz
James R. and Pamela B. Bernard
Roger Berry
Marilyn R. Bewley
*Chhaganbhai B. Bhakta
*Fred V. Biagini
Duane Bietz, M.D.
John C. Bird, Jr., in honor of William A. Sullivan
Leona Blackbird
W. Edward Blain
*Kathryn R. Blum
*Merrill L. Bobele
Kevin and Margaret Bochynski
Joan Boer
Mary S. and Charles Boewe
Judith A. Bolon
Gene and Patty Bonnstetter
Nicole Lucile Bouché
Betsy Bowden
*Robert N. Bowles
Frederic and Donna Boyer
John V. Boyer
*Richard M. Bradley
Laura M. Brady
Professor Raymond L. Braham
Janet Branham
Steven A. Branson
Elaine Brasher
Steven R. Brenton
William B. (Bill) Brewer
Richard Bridgman
Halden C. Broaders
*Robert W. Brown
*Jenifer R. Brunk
Pauline N. Bryans
Richard Bucci
Buck Family Foundation
*John W. Buckman
*Elena S. Burgess
Joan Burke
Brian Bushnell
William P. and Mary L. Butler
Robert L. Callahan
*Jean K. Cannon
*Phyllis B. Carmichael
Paul J. Carrigan, Jr.
*Mr. Caruso
*Charles Chackerian
Robert S. Chapman and Candace E. Carlo
*Norden H. Cheatham
ChevronTexaco Matching Gift Program
*Roland Chew
Sarah Chodzko
*Delano Chong
Arthur Christy
Angelo Cifaldi
William J. Ciminera
Aage R. Clausen
*Dr. and Mrs. E. Lewis Cobb
Mrs. William C. Coffill
*Ann D. Colletto
*Hunter T. Cook
Nancy Cook
Thomas and Diane Copeland
*Paul Couchot
James M. Cox
*John M. Cox
*Mechthild Cranston
Charles L. Crow
Kasondra Crump
Sherwood Cummings
Theresa L. Cunningham
Gloria Daffner
Linda H. Dalton
*Patricia D. Daly
Beverly R. David
Harry E. Davis
*Ronald J. De Fields
B. J. Deering
*Allen E. Degrange
Edgar and Elinor DeJean
Terrell Dempsey
Christopher P. Denten
Jean Pond Dever
*Kenneth B. Diamond
*Glenn E. Dickey
*Aldo S. Disgrazzi
Marie Snow Dolan
*Laurel G. Dubb
*Marlene Q. Duffin
John Duffy
*Larry N. Dumas
*Jane S. Edginton
Thomas J. Edsall
Mary K. Bercaw Edwards
*Gary R. Elgaaen
*Donald Emery
Vince Emery
*Arthur A. Endo
Allison R. Ensor
*Marilyn Ersepke
Dwayne Eutsey
*Pat and Morley S. Farquar
Charles B. Faulhaber
*Virginia R. Fauvre
*Carol M. Fay
Richard L. Fay
J. C. Felchlin
Henry and Judith Feldman
Gail L. Ferris
Victor Fischer
Shelley Fisher Fishkin
Emmett P. Fiske
Margaret Fitzgerald in memory of Timothy J. Fitzgerald
Bruce Forgrieve
*Barbara T. Frank
Marsha L. Franklin
Larry and Sylvia Frumes in memory of Robert V. Winkler
David T. Funk
*Paul. K. Funkhouser
*Elaine S. Gallaher
*Judy L. Ganulin
Gap Foundation
Carole Gardner
Paul Geiger
Fred Genchi
Genentech, Inc.
John Gensberg
Debra Jean George
Jonathan and Eileen Gittins
Dr. Anne T. Goetsch
Mr. and Mrs. Philip J. Gold
Dorothy Goldberg
Stephen L. Golder
*Linda P. Goldsmith
Valerie M. Gomez
Daniel E. Gormley
Vida L. Gosheff
*James B. Graeser
Rosalie Graham
Alan Greenblatt
Richard L. Greene
*Donald and Thelma Gregory
*Rocco Gulli
*Kenneth J. Hagan
*Donald E. Hagge
Kenneth L. Hagstrom
*William B. Hale
Peter E. Hanff
John and Kathryn Hansell
*James H. Harker
Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Harnsberger
*John R. Harris
John A. Hart
*Betty P. Hatch
*John Christopher Hau
David Hawkins and Ann Kirschner
*Patrick L. Healey
*Patricia Heer
*Pete Hegerle
*Janet C. Heiman
Marguerite P. Hennacy
*Michael D. Herb
Richard D. Herring
*John P. Herzog
Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Heuler
Mark Heyman
*Curtis C. Higgins
*Frances Wyatt Hill
History Film, Inc.
*Susan S. Hodges
*Mary and Buzz Hoever
Carl Hoff
W. R. Holcomb
Karen Holmes
*Catherine A. Holt
Karen S. Holtermann
*Bruce A. Horwitz
Larry Howe
Mary Jane Howe
George L. Howell
Mr. and Mrs. F. Vernon Hudnut
*George R. Huffman
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel M. Hungerford
*Gail C. Hutton
IBM Corporation
Robert M. Ikeda
Angela Irvin
*Kumiy R. Iwao
*Proverb G. Jacobs
Dr. Marcia Jacobson in memory of Richard Bridgeman
*Kyra O. Janssen
David Jenkins
Joan A. Jenkins
Robert Jenkins
*Dr. and Mrs. H. Anthony Jew
*Soot M. Jew
Ruth M. Johanson in memory of Adolph H. Hintz
Barbie Escott John
Mark Jordan
Scott and Jennifer Kabat
Yoshio Kanaya
*Ellen Kapellas
Fred Kaplan
Kenneth E. Keller
*David G. Kelley
Ralph H. Kellogg in memory of L. Bennett
Dr. and Mrs. Charles C. Kelsey
Maxwell R. Keniston
Howard Kerr
*Kenton E. Kerr
Harlan and Esther Kessel
*John B. Kessler
David B. Kesterson
Brandon Kett
*Dick D. Kincaide
John K. King Books
*Robert W. King
Robert R. Kinkead, Jr.
Charlotte Kish
Michael J. Kiskis
*Joseph A. Kitterman
Paul and Elisa Kleven
Dorothy Klopf
*Suzanne S. Knapp
*Phyllis D. Kokus
Mary S. Kommers
Nadia Koutzen
Larry Kramer
Martha G. Krow-Lucal
*Jean Kulemin
Richard W. La Rue
Charles and Mary Laetsch
*Arnold M. Lamb
*Bjorn N. Lamborn
Rudolph M. Lapp
*Peter G. Laub
McAvoy Layne
William P. Ledeen
*Edward K. Lee
Mark and Evelyn Leeper
*Annette L. Legallet
*Warren Levin
Pamela Lew
James H. L’Hommedieu
*Adrienne Y. Lieu
Roxanne Lindsay in memory of Bob Livermore
William S. Linn
Albert Locher-Bärtschi
Bill Loehfelm
David E. Lombardi, Jr.
*Alexandra P. Londahl
*Ronald M. Loos
William H. Loos
Joseph H. Towson for Debbie L. Lopez
*Arthur P. Loring
*Jennie H. Louie
Jerome M. Loving
*Pardee J. Lowe, Jr.
*Pardee Lowe, Sr.
Richard and Eleanor Lowenstein
*Ronald E. Lundgren
Eugene and Anily Luttrell
*Yvonne Lux
Ian MacKinlay
David Madson
Al Maher
George Mallman
*George L. Marchand
Barbara A. Marden
The Mark Twain Forum
*Dr. and Mrs. William H. Marmion
Patrick E. Martin
Russell L. Martin in honor of H. N. Smith
*Marilyn L. Maslin
Jeffrey Mayne
Sean and Sabine McCarthy
Patricia Murphy McClelland in honor of Professor Leslie Fiedler
*Marilyn J. McCloskey
Joseph B. McCullough
*Bruce McElhoe
Monica McGoldrick
Joseph P. McLaughlin
*Marilyn J. McMasters
Claudia R. McMullin
*Gayle I. McNeill
*Mary H. McRae
*Sheldon E. Medall
Ronald R. Melen
Gary L. Menges
Eileen N. Meredith
*Elizabeth B. Merriman
Truman Metzel, Jr.
J. D. Michael
Spencer and Roberta Michels
*Gloria I. Mikuls
Cynthia A. Miller
Jay and Elise Miller
Michael Millgate
*Franz H. Misch
*Theodore H. Mohler
George and Elizabeth Mohun
*David Monasch
*Evelyn Monson
Rayburn S. Moore in memory of Arlin Turner
Linda Morris
Ron Morrison
*Anita L. Motta
*Colette M. Murray
Jane M. Murray
William E. Murray
Douglass and Janet Myers
Mr. and Mrs. Alan P. Nadritch
Makoto Nagawara
*Helen E. Newman
Robert S. Newton
Annabel S. Nickles
*William E. Nicolet
Howard Noble
Charles and Harriet Norton
Patrick and Cathy Ober
*Joan N. O’Byrne
*John P. Ohlmann
Takeshi Ohmiya
*Ruby A. Okazaki
Edward J. Oram
Matthew O’Reilly
*Charlene A. O’Rourke
*Wayne and Mary Osborne
*Daniel D. Oswald
Wayne and Elaine Ove
Lois Over
*Susan A. Palmer
Donald G. Parachini
*Jacqueline J. Parker
Marty Parkes
Patricia Crow Payson
Charles A. Peek
Carol J. Peiffer
Rachel Peterson in honor of Mike Heyman
Steven B. Peterson
Philip Morris Matching Gifts
Andrew J. Philips
Mary P. Pierce
*Don L. Pigozzi
*Clifford M. Pletschet
Patricia Pope
Elizabeth Lyman Potter
Marilyn C. Potter
Elisabeth D. Potts
*Carolyn Pride
Diana J. Prola
Ed and Sharon Quinlan
Joseph J. Quinn
Leslie B. Rall
Randall House Rare Books
*Jean L. Ranney
R. Kent Rasmussen
Thomas L. Rathburn
W. R. Reidelberger
Thomas and Maryanne Reigstad
Elinor Reiss
Molly Reusser
Thomas H. Reynolds
*Roy and Joann Richard
The Reverend James Richardson
David F. Riordan in honor of Emmet Riordan
Mr. and Mrs. Jack E. Ritter
Hilda Robbins
*Shirlee M. Roberts
*Ronald B. Robie
Mary Judith Robinson
Mary Roberts Robinson
*Weston S. Robinson
*Clayton W. Robson
*Thomas W. Rodger
*George C. Roeding
*Gayle S. Rogers
*Carlotte Rolde
*Gerhard Rollefson
*Richard Rosefield
Leslie Rosenbaum
*John W. Rosenberg
Charles G. Rosin
*Frank A. Ruby
Lynne M. Rusinko
David Sakrison
Mrs. Leon E. Salanave
Kenneth M. Sanderson
Charles W. Savage III in memory of Judge William Orrick
Gary Scharnhorst
Andrea B. Schlanger
Barbara Schmidt
*Richard L. Schowen
*John W. Schwerin
*John L. Schwobeda
*Robert W. Scott
*Barbara J. Scurfield
*Anne G. Selinger
Richard F. Sentner, Jr.
Muir S. Shank
Carol Booth Sharon
S. Diane Shaw
*Carolyn D. Sheaff
Emmet F. X. Sheehan
Robert C. Shenk, Jr.
*David L. Short
*Hla Shwe
Polly A. Siegel
*Albert and Betsy Sievers
Carl B. and Elaine M. Simmons
Virginia H. and Warren G. Simms
Rosalind Singer
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Corwin Singleton
*Helen H. Skov
David E. E. Sloane
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thomas Slotta
Dr. Geoffrey S. Smith
*Marilyn G. Smith
*Coralie J. Somers
*Joan M. Spaulding
Ronald M. Spielman
James M. and Betty Jean Spitze
Mary Staats
Verne and Jackolyn Stadtman
*Roberta D. Standish
*Herbert S. Stanek
George A. Starr
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Steadman
Dr. and Mrs. Eugene C. Steeb
Mary A. Steel
Lillian Stefano
The Riverdale Press
Jeffrey Steinbrink
*Jessa L. Stevenson-Doll
*Joe P. Stine
Eileen H. Strickland
*Sharon F. Strong
Marvin Strum
*Jane K. Stuppin
*Warren W. Sullens
D. A. Sullivan Company
*Jack D. Swanburg
Roselyne C. Swig
Frances M. Sykes
Jacqueline Taber
G. Thomas Tanselle
Bernard Taper
John Curtiss Taylor III
*Quentin R. Taylor
Renee Louise Thiel
*Janice C. Thielemann
Robert E. Thomason in memory of Dorothy H. Thomason
The Kenneth L. and Marian C. Thompson Fund
Virginia Thompson
Debbie Tieh
Suzanne E. Torres
*Roberta J. Toth
Mrs. Forrest E. Tregea
Peter Tremblay
Douglas G. Trotter
*Thomas K. Trutner
*Mary S. Tsagalakis
Robert L. Turley
*Lynette Turman
Bari Turner
Katherine and Stephen F. Turner
Charles S. Underhill
The United States Trust Company
United Way of Fresno County
Thomas S. Van Den Heuvel
*John M. Van Zander
*Kathleen Vandeveere
Anthony and Susan Verbalis
Verizon Foundation
Terry Viele
Robert W. Vivian
*Mary L. Vivier
Wachovia Corporation
Kate Wallenberg
Willard D. Washburn
Professor M. Frances Van Loo and Robert Wazeka
*Sally C. Wegner
Susanne Weil
*Arlene Louise Weis
*Elaine S. Weiss
*John M. Wentworth
Emmy E. Werner-Jacobsen
Ann A. West
*Suzanne A. Westaway
David E. White
Alienne Whitener
John Wiesemes
*John C. Wiesner
T. H. Wildenradt
Merilynn A. Wilson
John O. Wolcott
Donald A. Wolfel
*Calvin S. Wong
Sam Woodward
*Barbara Workinger
*Anne G. Wright
*James B. Wright
Dr. Roger M. Wright
*David M. Wyman
Richard B. Yale
David Yoder
Gail Zabowski
*Frederic Zigmond
Donna Zitomer