Hartford Jany 19th 1877
My Dear Sister.
I have found the right school for Sammy. It is in Concord N. H. the best preparatory school for boys in this country. The Rev H. A. Coit is the Master, & Mr H. Evan Cotton who was himself prepared there for College, has given me [this] information concerning it. If you think favorably of it, you had better write soon to Mr Coit, St Paul’s School Concord N. H., as it is somewhat difficult to get an entrance there.1
We are all about as usual—the [MS page 2] children have been remarkably well all winter. Livy would like to have you say to Annie that she found a difficulty in packing the music book so that it would go safely & now that Sammy will so soon be here,2 she will wait & send it by him. With love to all.
Your affectionate brother
Samℓ L. Clemens
pr F.C.H