8 December 1880 • Hartford, Conn.
(MS, correspondence card: CU-MARK, UCCL 01866)
Dec. 8.
Dear Mollie—
Here is your pig. Fortunately the first attempt succeeded sufficiently well; I doubt if I could blind my eyes again & bring the ears on top of the head after traveling so far from the initial point. You might suggest to Orion—though it will do no [MS page 2] good—that persons are almighty scarce who can write over 5 hours a day & 5 days a week & make literature which is worth anything but to kindle fires with. He will think he is an exception.
“Seddie” has an exceedingly fine genius—so have I. She has a bountiful lack of wisdom, sometimes—so have I. Therefore I am in a position to enyjoy her poems & excuse her indignations.
Ys Ever