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Add to My CitationsTo Olivia L. Clemens
23 August 1878 • Kandersteg, Switzerland
(MS, in pencil: CU-MARK, UCCL 01588)
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Hotel Gemmi.

Livy darling, we had a lovely day—jogged right along, with a good horse & sensible driver—the last 2 hours right behind an open carriage filled with a pleasant German family—old gentleman & 3 pretty daughters. At table d’hote to-night, 3 dishes were enough for me & then I bored along tediously [MS page 2] through the bill of fare with a back ache, hopin not daring to get up & bow to the German family & leave. I meant to sit it through & make them get up first & do the bowing; but at last Joe took pity on me & said he would get up & drop them a curtsy & put me out of my misery. I was [MS page 3] grateful. He got up & delivered a succession of frank & hearty bows, accompanying them with an atmosphere of good-fellowship which would have made even an English family surrender. Of course the Germans responded—so I got right up & they had to respond to [MS page 4] my salaams, too. So “that was done.”

We walked up a gorge & saw a tumbling water fall which was nothing to Giesback, but it made me resolve to drop you a line & urge you to go & see Gisesbach illuminated. Don’t fail—but take a long day’s rest, first. I love you, sweetheart.



[MS page 5] Mrs. S. L. Clemens | Hotel de France| Baden-Baden [MS page 6]