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Add to My CitationsTo Olivia L. Clemens
3 December 1876 • New York, N.Y.
(MS, correspondence card, in pencil: CU-MARK, UCCL 01391)
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[MS page 1]

Sunday, 2. 15 P. M.

em spaceslcem spaceLivy darling, I love you more than I can tell—on a card of this size, or any other. Dined with those leddy-hets last night till 12, then went to bed. It was a [MS page 2] delicious dinner. I have but this moment got out of bed. Used no whisky or other liquor to sleep on—was utterly tired out.1 Osgood was in 2 hours ago. Am looking for Harte, now.2 Mrs. T. B. Aldrich called—shall go presently & return it. With vast love.


[MS page 3]

[enclosure; “Coincidence”3 written in left margin, and text underlined, in pencil:]



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[in ink:] Mrs. Sam. L. Clemens | Hartford | Conn [return address:] st. james hotel. broadway and 26th street, new york. [postmarked:] new-york e dec 3 4 pm