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Add to My CitationsTo William B. Franklin
28 April 1876 • Hartford, Conn.
(MS, in pencil: CU-MARK, UCCL 01328)
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Hartford April 27th 1876.

Mr. Clemens,

Dear Sir,

Referring to the “Loan of a Lover,” which I understand is to be repeated tonight:—

Would it be possible to render your part with reasonable and satisfactory effect without using a word of such rectangular and severe orthodoxy as “damned”? Do you think cultured and intelligent Christian people would be shocked if you should dare to omit it? Would it be possible to substitute some other, without essentially weakening the piece and disgusting the audience? I fear not, for I noticed that this word was especially approved by them last night, and I presume it should be adhered to. I admit that all the plays I have chanced to hear, in my limited experience, contain this word or its equivalent, as the climax of eloquence and the soul of wit. It is frequently received with applause, and is probably indispensable to a decent public manifestation.

I crave pardon for my impertinence, and should doubtless be ashamed of my scruples.

I would not however be thought so foolish as to wince at anything in the after-piece. The question, asked and re-asked, “Who the devil are you”? is of course entirely prudent and moderate,—“the devil” not being interjected to exalt the sentence, but the purpose of the enquirer being to ascertain which devil is before him;—a legitimate purpose truly.

Yours with profound respect,

H. B. Langdon.1

Dear General:—

They say that this pilgrim (who is a stranger to me,) works for you in your insurance Company. Do you know him? Is he in earnest?—or is he merely ill-bred enough to venture upon facetious impertinences with people who have not the humiliation of his acquaintance, under the delusion that he is conveying a gratification? This mess of pious “rot” was handed to me Dr. Wainwright early yesterday evening with the earnest request that I should read it before going on the stage—a [MS page 3] request which I didn’t comply with, I beeing too wise for that.2

Please return this holy idiot’s letter to me—shall have literary use for it one of these days.

Thought I detected your welcome face on the back seats the other night, but couldn’t discover Mrs. Franklin’s.3

Ys sincerely

S. L. Clemens

Mrs. Clemens says she saw Mrs. Franklin & hailed her. I’m glad. Mrs. C. she holds Mr. H. B. Langdon’s views, too. That’s just like a woman’s logic! I haven’t said a word against the man’s views—I’m only objecting to his impertinence in shoving them upon my notice. I don’t care what the man’s views are—it’s a free country.4