Hartford Mch 17.
My Dear Redpath—
I want to deliver “Roughing It” in New York within the next 3 weeks. I have to deliver it in New Haven next Wednesday, & so may as well talk it in N. Y. while it is fresh in my mind.1 I want Chickering Hall—& will wait till I can get it if you think it the best place—as doubtless it is. I want to talk in the afternoon & also that same night—& then fold my tent & skip home. (The money is for a friend of mine [MS page 2] who is no in need, but I don’t wish to mention that. Nothing else would get me into the field though.[)] 2
Now to business—will you run this thing for me? for 10 per cent of gross proceeds? I want the tickets to be $1 each. The house seats $500, they say. I to take all risks & foot all bills, of course. Or would you prefer to charge me a lump sum for your trouble? If so, please state it. I am not going to back down this time. I mean business. I give you my word of honor.3
Yrs Ever