ID | UCCL 12755 |
Cue | We have been here a month, but nothing has |
Writer(s) | Clemens, Clara L.; Clemens, Samuel L. |
Addressee(s) | Moffett, Pamela A.; Clemens, Jane Lampton |
Date | 30 Mar 1879 |
Place of Origin | Paris, France |
Repository | Transcript, CU-MARK (University of California, Mark Twain Papers, The Bancroft Library, Berkeley) |
Suggested Citation | “SLC and Clara L. Clemens to Jane Lampton Clemens and Pamela A. Moffett, Paris, France (UCCL 12755).” In <i>Mark Twain's Letters, 1876–80.</i> Edited by Michael B. Frank and Harriet Elinor Smith. Mark Twain Project Online. Berkeley, Los Angeles, London: University of California Press. 2002, 2007. < =letters/UCCL12755.xml;style=letter;bran d=mtp>, accessed 2025-02-07. |
Status | Published 2007. |
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