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Elmira, N.Y
em spaceem spaceem spaceem spaceem spaceem spaceem spaceem spaceem spaceem spaceem spaceem spaceem spaceem spaceem spaceem spaceem spaceem spaceem spaceem spaceem spaceApril 11th./80

Mr Samual L Clemens, honerd Sir i receved a coppy of your splended work ef tramp Abroad whitch i suppose to be a gift from your ever bountyful hand

for witch i am at a loss for words to exprss my gratefulness

but i will say that i except it as a grate treasure from noble generous heart and benevolent hand

for wich pleas to except my most humble an [sin cire ceier] thanks for it and the past unmerited presants you have kindly gave me

pleas except

my best wishes for your worthy self and family hopeing that you are all well and enjoying the fullest blesings life can a ford

most respectfully yours,

John. T. Lewis

we are all quite wl well