office of “belgravia”
of “the gentleman's magazine” & of “academy notes”
chatto & windus publishers74 & 75, piccadilly,
london w. Oct 25 187 7
My dear Sir
I am indeed sorry that we should have mistaken your burst of economy for a burst of bibliographical luxury and so sent you the “crack” edition of the “Arabian Nights” instead of the working one; especially I am vexed that our people should have been the means of the US. customs robbing you of 9$. If you will accept the work from me burthened with this outlay it will give me great pleasure to be so relieved from the consciousness of having blundered which now oppresses me.
We are very pleased to receive your “Idle Notes” the first two parts of which Mr Bentley forwarded us and the third has just come to hand. I enclose Cheques for the two which have been published in “Belgravia” for Sep. Nov & Oct. (the amount of which I trust toe be satisfactory) the third instalment will come out in the November December no.
I saw Mr Conway only last week and gave him your remembrances he is very busy with a book on the Archaeology of the Devil which we are going to publish for him. We made up the a/c for the 1st ed. of Tom Sawyer last Decr. and paid him the royalty on 1858 copies sold @ 1/9 by our draft due April 28. ‸(£,162.108.[ ) ]‸ We have just made up the a/c to date and sent him another draft for 70, on a/c of 800 copies sold since. We are about to issue a new cheap edition for which we anticipate a large sale.
Yours very faithfully
Andrew Chatto
Saml. L. Clemens Esq