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Dear Mr. Clemens

I rec’d your card in New York, and delayed making answer for the reason I had written to Bartley Campbell, and was waiting on him before giving you my views on the matter you wrote. I am still without word from him on a/c of domestic affliction, so I will now say in few words, that I think your opinion is correct regarding “Ah Sin” and it needs rewritting, tho’ an abler man than yourself I do not know, who can do the job.

Parsloe thinks the piece is good in every respect, but the business we have been doing is the proof for me,—something is lacking [and] that something must be supplied and the vulgarities of the 2 Plunkett women expunged.

Pardon my frankness—you ask for my ideas, and I give them.

I think if you will not undertake the task I can get the play re-written, and I will do, all I have been doing—all in my power to make it a success.