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editorial office of the atlantic monthly. the riverside press, cambridge, mass.

Nov. 30, 1876.

My dear Clemens:

Here is Millet’s letter, received to-day. His terms are reasonable, certainly; but he seems bound to go. I don’t know when he means to come back. Perhaps you may think [it] worth while to write him. There are two pictures for sale by that painter—Eugene Benson—who did the oriental scene over Appleton’s mantelpiece. I’ll see them, and write you of them.

—You ought to write something better than that about Helen’s Babbies. You use expressions there that would lose us all our book-club circulation. Do attack the folly systematically and analytically—write what you said at dinner the other day about it.

—I am still looking up the spot-ivy business. I’m going to see Dr. Gray about it, and get a bit of true spot to send you— I doubt both the present specimens.

Your visit was a perfect ovation for us: we never enjoy anything so much as those visits of yours. The smoke and the Scotch and the late hours almost kill us; but we look each other in the eye when [you] are gone, and say what a glorious time it was, and air the library, and begin sleeping and dieting, and longing to have you back again. I hope the play didn’t suffer any hurt from your absence. Mrs. Howells, whom you talked to most about it, thinks it’s going to be tremendously funny, and I liked all you told me of it.

Yours ever

W. D. Howells.


No 9 Harrison Ave
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My dear Mr Howells:—

I am afraid that when the saints are finished I shall be unable and unwilling to delay longer my proposed departure for the paradise of artists. If any work could keep me here it would be the portrait you speak of, for I should very much like to paint Mr Clemens. Wouldn’t he wait until I return? A man who is growing handsomer every day ought to be glad to wait if by so doing he can get better satisfaction.

It isn’t generally thought that my price is high. Mr Adams paid me £40/0/0 for that head and I am very well satisfied.

I shall certainly try and get out to Cambridge for an hour pour prendre congé at least.

Please be assured that I appreciate your kindness in interesting yourself about the portrait and do me the favor to tell Mr Clemens how the matter stands.

Perhaps he may cross himself and I could “draw his likeness” there.

Yours in much haste

at the end of a long day

F D. Millet