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“there’s millions in it”

Pittsburg Pa
em spaceem spaceem spaceem spaceem spaceem spaceem spaceem spaceem spaceem spaceem spaceem spaceem spaceem spaceem spaceem spaceem spaceem spaceem spaceem spaceem spaceSept 25/76

My dear Clemens—

In reply to yours of 20th enclosing contracts I beg to submit the following—

To begin the regular dramatic season closes about June 1st. Last year I prolonged my season taking California in the summer the time generally devoted to vacation. Again expenses should be anything that is for the mutual benefit of both parties. ie if necessary to engage a person to play (for instance) Laura Hawkins that the salary (not to exceed one hundred dollars per week) should be considered expenses to be shared by us

A clause should be inserted in the contracts in relation to suits arising out of the piece being played by “Pirates”— You claim the ownership of the property & hold the copyright & yet you expect me to share the expense of defending your rights— I am willing to do so, but want you to return the compliment when things are absolutely necessary for the proper production of the play— Your lawyer claims that nothing but printing &c constitute expenses yet he took from me half of his costs for the Salt Lake case—

You say nothing about my percentage for making engagements &c neither in your letter or contracts— As we are on the subject we might as well understand it thoroughly so that there will be no trouble hereafter—

I cant understand that next year you are to receive one third of our receipts before expenses— My impression (& I think I am right) is that you are to take one third of the profits

The following is as I think the contract should read—

&c &c &c &c

The said Raymond hereby agrees with said [Clemens] that he will pay to said Clemens for his dramatic season ending June 2d / 1877 Forty-three and one third per cent of his gross profits secured by him from the production of said dramatization after deducting from said gross profits the expenses of printing and every necessary outlay that said Raymond may consider to the mutual benefit of Clemens and Raymond. That said Raymond has the right to engage one person to support him should he so desire his salary not to exceed one hundred dollars per week to be paid mutually by Clemens & Raymond

That said Clemens agrees for the season ending June 2d / 1877 to pay to said Raymond two & one half per cent of his Clemens’ share for making engagements &c &c &c &c

And it is further agreed between said Raymond & Clemens that after August 1st / 1877 the said Raymond shall pay to said Clemens as aforesaid thirty three & one third per cent of said gross profits after deducting expenses as aforesaid

This Mark is as I think it should be— I have specified more clearly what expenses should be—

Our interests should be mutual and if I find I could advance them I dont think I should be kept from it simply because this contract reads “printing & posting” the latter item has never be[en] charged for as we have nothing of the kind done  The theaters stand that— I hope Mark this is satisfactory—

Your friend

John T. Raymond