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bowen & andrews,

fire & marine insurance agency,

107 116 north third street, chamber of commerce building.

wm. bowen, adjuster.

m. t. andrews, late of moody, michel & co.


atlas, of hartford,

glens falls, of new york,

st. joseph f. & m. of st. joseph,

equitable, of nashville,

globe, of boston,

miss. valley, of tenn.

planters, of tenn.

st louis, Aug 25th187 6

Sam’l L Clemens
em spaceHartford em spaceConn

Dr S Dear Sam

It has been a long time scince I have heard from you, and I believe mine, was the last letter, but that is a small matter, scince in these seriously dull times, the ordinary, little matters do not get their customary attention. When I wrote you last, the old world was wheeling along very smoothly with me, and my business prospects were very flattering, but I regret to confess that such is not now, the case.

In March last I took into my Office as partner a man whose name appears above. He had been in business here for 28 yrs, first as Teller with Page & Bacon Bankers & afterwards on his own account,—for some time he had indulged his appetite for drink, and had retired from active business with a capital of 50 to 60,0000$— When I associated him he had been sober for more than a year and our mutual friends thought he was OK. In less than a month after our connection (March last) he commenced drinking again, & to that extent, as very seriously to cripple our business & finally to force me to withdraw from him. I acted only by advice of counsel (Jno B Henderson & George Shields,) but the course I was obliged to pursue, left, for a short time, the Cos in his hands, which, as I had had them all previous to our connection, vexed some of the Managers; they claiming that I had left them with a drunkard, which was true in one sense, but not in all, as he could not do any business without me,—yet it had effect to cause some of them to find another representative em spaceIn this I was badly treated and my Agency, one of the leading ones here, broken up

This is a sad ending & result for the years of patient Labor that I have expended in building up a business of which I was justly proud & occupying a position in Insurance circles here second to none, except in the matter of Capital.

The Evansville Law suit kept me from accumulating as I otherwise should have done, and a recent decision of our State Supreme Court nullifies Five Thousand Dollars of Linn Co. R R Bonds which I had secured & was using, as you understand, in the usual course of business, as collateral for short loans &c em spaceI am now much disturbed in my business affairs—am about 3000$ in debt & without money. I have a deep satisfaction in looking back over my business life, and what I accomplished, single handed. I have made many friends & still enjoy their respect confidence & esteem.

I have often wished, that you could have known me during that time, feeling that you would appreciate my business activity, my steady purpose, and flattering prospects. I am as yet unsettled, and cannot say just what I will do em spaceI have 3 Cos but as they are of small callibre it does not satisfy me, and as business is so dull the early prospect for getting others is not good em spaceI can go into Special service again, as my services as Adjuster are in demand but I hesitate to commence travelling again—really cannot do it—as my Boys splendid fellows need my presence & society.

I was to have been married this month that they might have a Home and I, a companion, but then circumstances force a delay of that now. Sister Mary is in trouble with her property in Hannibal & needs my assistance, and a thousand things are depressing me. I feel that a letter from my old time friend would be a sweet morsel and when you have the leisure I hope you will recall some of the old feeling, that distance & time & other duties have perhaps dimmed a little & write me a word or two. We have both been through the mill before, “Hard up,” but we were younger then. Hopes were stronger, and the days brighter. I cannot feel that I have come to the end of my happy life—yet strange things overtake men nowadays & mayhap I have. I shall continue the struggle though—bearing along my good name & a brave heart with willing hands.

I am glad that fortune smiles with you—but more so, that you have forced her, so to do.

My Mother & family often speak of you—they are quite well—I believe I told you of Elizas death, in the Asylum.

Where is your Mother & Sister? I hope the good wife & babies are well as also yourself. Sam is here doing nothing

Write me, Sam when you have time. I shall be glad to hear from you ever. Tell me something of the new Book & when we will see it

Yours ever

Will Bowen


I am just in receipt of a letter from Mother enquiring about you.