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davenport club, city hall

cleveland, o., June 13 187 6

Sam L Clemens Esq
em spaceem spaceDr Sir

After a rather extended absence from the city I have returned and find, among other things which were over-looked during my absence, your favor of the 13th ult. unanswered, which is, very much to be regretted since it does not, by any means, give expression to the feelings which were manifest by members generally on receipt of it. The pictures (two in number) enclosed from which to select have been duly examined, and carefully compared, and being unable to decide which is the best we have concluded to keep both. I need hardly tell you that we feel highly honored by, and deeply grateful for, your having thus favored us, and if future friendship be not objectionable we are your[s] to command. Hoping our course in this will meet with your approval, and also, that we may hear from you whenever your leisure may serve you;

I remain
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Ira C Cartwright
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P.S. In explanation of the above signature, I would say that Mr Weidenthal’s term of office has expired, and I am his successor I.C.C.