agents wanted for standard works.
office american publishing company,
no. 284 asylum street, hartford, conn.e. bliss, jr., pres’t. branch offices, 118 randolph st., chicago, ill.,
f. e. bliss, sec’y and treas’r. 38 west fourth st., cincinnati, ohio.,
hartford, conn., Apr 11 1876
Dr Clemens
I enclose statement of copyright to 1st Apl—if all correct will hand you ch for same when you come in send it to you if you prefer—
Father says that he had an estimate all ready for the electros of “Tom Sawyer”, but as you changed the size it involves making a new estimate all through, & he is fearful that reducing the size so much, of many of the cuts, will interfere with their printing nicely, he is making inquiries about it however & will report the result in about two days
Yrs Truly
F E Bliss