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Hartford, Conn. Jan. 18.

Mark Twain has written a remarkable book called “Tom Sawyer”, about which I wish you to try your hand in preparing the way for negotiations with Chatto [&] Windus. He [(]Mark T.) would like to follow our plan—pay for the manufacture of his own book and pay the publisher for each copy sold. You had better arrange by letter to have Andrew Chatto come to see you, as he will be glad to do that if you say in a note addressed to him (with Esq. after it!) that it relates to a new book by Mark Twain. If Chatto wishes to know it you can inform him that Mr Clemens (Mark T) is under no obligation legal or moral to Routledge who for some time has been publishing his works; and that Routledge has no ground whatever upon which he could object to any other publisher being contracted with by the Author. You can also inform Chatto that the story is very important & illustrated with 150 engravings, & that plates can be sent over in at once for the early May publication. You can tell Chatto that I suggested him to Clemens provided his firm is willing to publish on the plan mentioned. And if they incline to that let them state to you to be transmitted to me what they think will be a fair royalty for them—Clemens paying everything in the way of manufacture & advertising. Of course you can go to see Chatto if that strikes you as preferable, by appointment. You must avoid giving to the interview any force beyond a consultation; there should be nothing for the present in the way of a contract or a promise to let Chatto have the book. If Chatto inclines to anything else than the suggested arrangement, you will listen, take down what he says, and let me know at once. When I come over in March I shall bring the Manuscript (of which two copies exist) with me. It is probable that two editions will have to be issued, one cheap. Address as usual at the Literary Bureau

Your loving husband

M D Conway