office of pacific mail steamship company, 59 & 61 wall street,
new york, 12th Feby 1874
Samuel L. Clemens, Esq.
Hartford, Conn.
Dear Sir,
Having heard, with pleasure, of your safe return, from what I trust was a remunerative tour, I take the liberty of approaching you with an appeal in behalf of a great and noble charity, which is explained briefly, as follows.
You probably have learned from the public journals the terrible state of demoralization into which this Company has fallen, and that efforts have lately been made to resuscitate it by its present management which I have the honor to represent.2
Our efforts in this direction have been made mainly through the introduction of the latest pattern of Iron propellers, with which so far, we have met with a decided success.3
But we desire further, in behalf of the public, to combine enlightenment with progress, and to that end desire to supply each of these new and first-class vessels with several copies of your different works, feeling confident that we shall thereby earn the increased gratitude of all travellers by the Isthmus and China routes.
How can we most satisfactorily arrange this?—
We wish to make a trade of some kind and, in the present state of the Companys finances, do not feel warranted in making any great outlay of cash
Hence our appeal to the charitable instincts of your nature.
We may, however, be able to make an entirely business arrangement which would be satisfactory.
Have you not some relative or near friend whose demise might prove a source of melancholy pleasure, and who, (according to the representations of our Overland rivals) might succumb to old age on our Steamers before arriving at destination.
If so, we should only be too happy to furnish him or her with a free pass to San Francisco by our oldest and slowest boats,—and in the event of the scheme proving successful, we would provide the subject, thoroughly embalmed, with a return passage free of all charges.
Feeling certain that you yourself have a weakness for the Pacific slope, we hesitate about offering you a similar trip, lest you might think that we were endeavoring to take advantage of said weakness to further our own designs.
Or that, (taking the reports of the Railroad people to be correct), you might decline from fears for your own personal safety.
We can assure you however that we are so situated that you can be accomodated in either way, as we have some of the poorest and also the very finest Steamers afloat.
And should your time and inclination dispose you to consider such an offer we would be only too happy to afford you a passage by these new vessels to San Francisco feeling certain that the voyage would prove productive to you, of health and pleasure, and to ourselves—of books.
In short we desire to supply all of our Steamers, some thirty five in number with copies of your works and wish to know whether you are disposed or are able to make any special arrangement with us to that end.
And we have addressed you from the belief that your acquaintance, with the disposition of the older editions, would enable you to put us in the way of accomplishing our object in a satisfactory manner.
Trusting that, you will appreciate the spirit in which this is written, and that you will give a favorable consideration to the request of one who has been a constant reader and admirer of all your productions.
I remain
Yours truly
Rufus Hatch4
Vice Pres’t
& Managing Director, P.M.S.S. Co.
Explanatory Notes
double the frequency of its sailings, thus making them fortnightly, and build iron, screw-propelled steamers for
the line. The last requirement accelerated a program of modernization already under way. In 1873, the first of the Pacific
Mail’s iron, screw steamers, Acapulco, City of Guatemala, Colima, Colon, and Granada, were delivered by their builder, John Roach. These were followed in 1874 by City of Peking, City
of Tokio, and City of Panama, and in 1875 by City of New York, City of San
Francisco, and City of Sydney. (Kemble,
13–14) Previously the Pacific Mail had employed wooden side-wheel steamers. Its failure to build all of the required iron
vessels on schedule brought calls for an end to the 1872 subsidy even before the congressional investigation of misconduct began. In
early 1875, as a result of the investigation, the 1872 subsidy was revoked, although steamer service to the Far East continued under
the 1865 subvention (Kemble, 13, 17; New York Times:
“Washington,” 10 Apr 74, 1, 18 Apr 74, 6, 12 Dec 74, 1, 25 Jan 75, 1; “The little explosion at
Washington. . .,” 15 Dec 74, 4; “Pacific Mail and the Government,” 24 Dec 74,
4; “Pacific Mail,” 14 Feb 75, 1).