28 November 1869 • Boston, Mass.
(Dobbs Ferry [N.Y.] Register, 24 January 1913, 1: UCCL 13483)
[photograph of “The American Humorists,” with Josh Billings, Mark Twain, and Petroleum V. Nasby]1
[on the back:]
h. g. smith,
studio building,
The accompanying work of art, commonly called ‘The Three Graces’ is submitted to your inspection, with the warm, friendly regard of
Samuel L. Clemens.
Explanatory Notes
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
The Register reprints an undated article in the Florissant (Mo.) News, sent by Lant to the New York[?] Daily News, which also presumably published it.
The Florissant News article, quoted in the Register, reads: ‘On November 28, 1869, Samuel L. Clemens sent to John A. Lant, from Boston, a photograph of himself standing back of Josh Billings seated on one side and Petroleum V. Nasby seated on the other, the picture being styled "The American Humorists". On the back of this photograph is written the following felicitous greeting to Mr. Lant in the handwriting of Mr. Clemens: . . . This valuable picture was stored in the East along with a number of others, books, etc., and was brought back by Mr. Lant in his inside pocket for safe keeping.’