18 February 1880 • Hartford, Conn
(MS facsimile, correspondence card, damage emended:
Speer, UCCL 13039)
Hartford, Feb. 18.
slcMy Dear Fuller:
That has a very pleasant sound, my boy. Go you ahead & do as you have proposed to do. We will make the said assignments. Old Bowers has been [haunting] Dan Slote, (121 Wm. st.,) [every] day, lately. I told Dan I [will] never see [him], he & to tell him to go to you for the talk [which he] desired to have.
Have had a [prodigious cold.] The rest of the family [not] well, either.
Textual Commentary
Source text(s):
Provenance:The MS was originally in the collection of Steven R. Roberts, who died in 1938. It stayed in the family and is now owned by
Roberts’s grandson, Shaun Speer.
Emendations and textual notes:
haunting • hau[n] [facsimile incomplete]
every • ev[] [facsimile incomplete]
will • [] [facsimile incomplete]
him • [] [facsimile incomplete]
which he • w[h ] [facsimile incomplete]
prodigious cold. • prodigio[ ] [facsimile incomplete]
not • [n] [facsimile incomplete]
Ever • E[v] [facsimile incomplete]
Mark • M[] [facsimile incomplete]