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Add to My CitationsTo Mary B. (Mollie) Shoot (Florence Wood)
24? April 1876 • Hartford, Conn.
(Transcript and paraphrase: Mollie Shoot to SLC,
9 May 1876, CU-MARK, UCCL 12957)
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I trust Mrs Clemens has recovered from her attack of “all the different kinds of ralgias”.1

Explanatory Notes

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1 This fragment of Clemens’s letter has been placed here as consistent with his recent assessment of his wife’s health (see 24 Apr to OC and MEC). Mary B. (Mollie) Shoot (1863?–1954), who had a long career as a character actress under the stage name Florence Wood, “made her debut in the Augustine [sic] Daly Stock Company. She came to the troupe with a letter of introduction from Mark Twain, a neighbor and friend of her family in Hannibal, Mo., where she was born” (“Mrs. Felix Morris, A Former Actress,” New York Times, 19 Apr 1954, 23; see also Inds,347–48). On 9 May 1876 Shoot wrote (CU-MARK):
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The New York Herald notice Shoot referred to has not been found. In her postscript, Shoot paraphrased John 5:11: “He answered them, He that made me whole, the same said unto me, Take up thy bed, and walk.” The source of her “enclosed programme” has not been identified. On it she bracketed her own name and role in ink. On the envelope of her letter Clemens wrote:

My dramatic protège.

em spaceem space————

Mollie Shoot (Florence Wood)

He apparently had recommended Shoot to Daly in person, not by letter (see 19 Oct 76 to Unidentified). Money (Lytton 1840) and Daly’s own melodrama, Pique (Augustin Daly 1875), were performed at Daly’s Fifth Avenue Theatre (Joseph Francis Daly 1917,207; “Amusements,” New York Times, 15 Dec 75, 6, and 3 May 76, 7).

Transcript and paraphrase, Mary B. Shoot to SLC, 9 May 76, CU-MARK, UCLC 32351.

glyphglyphProvenance:glyphSee Mark Twain Papers in Description of Provenance.