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Add to My CitationsTo Andrew Chatto
28 April 1877 • Baltimore, Md.
(MS: Cifaldi, UCCL 12932)
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guy’s hotel, on the european plan,

monument square, samuel c. little, proprietor.

baltimore, Apl. 28 1877

My Dear Mr. Chatto:

I beg leave to introduce to you Mr. George C. Wilde of the firm of Messrs. Slote Woodman & Co of New York, Blank Book manufacturers & proprietors of a self-pasting scrapbook invented by me. Mr. Wilde wishes to have a business conversation with you.1

With kindest regards to Mr. Windus & Mr. Conway,2 I am

Yrs faithfully

Sam. L. Clemens

Explanatory Notes

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1Wilde probably wished to confer with Chatto about Slote, Woodman and Company’s plans to establish a London branch. Although Wilde went to England in March 1878 to take charge there, the planned expansion ended when the New York firm failed in July (N&J2, 159 n. 5; “Stationery Notes,” Publisher’s Weekly, 30 Mar 1878, 355).

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2Moncure Conway and W. E. Windus, Chatto’s partner.

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MS, collection of Angelo Cifaldi.

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Buddenbrooks catalog, sale of unknown date, no. 125, item 70, MS facsimile.