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Add to My CitationsFrom Samuel L. Clemens and Clara L. Clemens
(per Samuel L. Clemens)
to Jane Lampton Clemens and Pamela A. Moffett
30 March 1879 • Paris, France
(Transcripts by Pamela A. Moffett and Albert Bigelow Paine:
CU-MARK, UCCL 12755)
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7 rue de l’Echelle
em spaceem spaceem spaceem spaceem spaceem spaceem spaceem spaceem spaceem spaceem spaceem spaceem spaceem spaceem spaceem spaceem spaceem spaceem spaceem spaceem space Paris, Mch 30.

My Dear Mother & Sister:

We have been here a month, but nothing has happened worth [reporting. I] have had plenty of colds & rheumatism, & consequently my work has stood still; but tomorrow I expect to begin. Livy & the children have tolerably good health, but nothing extraordinary.

By a letter [rec’d] by Miss Clara from our good Baroness Freundenberg, we judge that Sam is coming to Paris about a month from now. We shall be glad to have him here, but I am sorry he does not stay a month or two more with the Baroness, for he [cannot] have so good an opportunity to [learn the language again.] I will translate what the Baroness says about Sam, whereby you will see what impression he has made:

[“We] are all very fond of Mr. [Moffett:] he is a young [man [of] ] uncommon intellect & culture, & yet so modest & good that I already think with pain of the time when he will leave us. He reads a great deal, but prefers not to write. He has made great progress in these 4 [weeks,] & as he is to remain 4 weeks longer I hope he will speak very good German by that [time.”]

The great trouble with Sam is that he “reads a great deal” & [“prefers] not to write.” To write the language is [useful,—]to read it is more an injury [than] a benefit. To speak [it,] & write it, & never read it, is the right course.

Sam has written Miss Clara a bright letter in German, and as bright a one to Livy in English.

I thought Sam promised me he would read only one day in the week, but doubtless he didn’t. It would be the best thing for him.

Livy & Clara are out—Rosa has just gone to dinner, so I must stop writing & take care of the children. Good bye—with love.


(From Bay to Grandma. Her exact language.)

Well, that I’ve got a dress, & a new one, & is silk & got gold buttons, & [that] I’m bigger’n thicker’n I was before, & that I got a great big doll, & that t’isn’t broken yet; & that I got a horse, & its broken; the car came off it, & that its car is broken, & that I know how to take it (the ear) out; & two legs is broken, & his tail is come out.

I had a hard pinch in my finger: that I was looking in the looking-glass door & Rosa closed the looking glass; & sometimes Susie plays with my things & I get a-fighting at her. That’s all, now, that I can write.

And that all my names is Clara Lewis O’Day Botheker McAleer McLachlin Bay Clemens. (Her wet-nurses.)

Textual Commentary

glyphglyphSource text(s):glyph
No copy-text. The text is based on two transcripts, which derive independently from the MS:
Tr1Transcript by Albert Bigelow Paine, CU-MARK
‘7 rue . . . wet-nurses.)’
Tr2Transcript by Pamela A. Moffett, in a letter to Samuel E. Moffett, 14 April 1879, CU-MARK (UCLC 30096)
‘By a . . . him.”

glyphglyphPrevious publication:glyph

glyphglyphProvenance:glyphFor the Pamela Moffett letter, see Moffett Collection in Description of Provenance; for the transcript, see Paine Transcripts in Description of Provenance.

glyphglyphEmendations, adopted readings, and textual notes:glyph

reporting. I (MTP) • reporting | I (Tr1)

rec’d (Tr2) • received (Tr1)

cannot (Tr2) • can not (Tr1)

learn the language again. (Tr1) • study learn the language (Tr2)

[¶] “We (Tr2) • [no ¶] “We (Tr1)

Moffett: (Tr2) • Moffet[t]white diamond [typed off edge of page] (Tr1)

man [of] (MTP) • man (Tr1, Tr2)

weeks, (Tr2) • weeks; (Tr1)

time.” (Tr2) • time”. (Tr1)

“prefers (Tr2) • prefers (Tr1)

useful,— (Tr2) • useful— (Tr1)

than (Tr2) • than | than (Tr1)

it, (Tr2) • it (Tr1)

that (MTP) • That (Tr1)