Charles H. Clark
8 January 1876 • Hartford, Conn.
(Transcript by Albert Bigelow Paine: CU-MARK, UCCL 12742)
8 January 1876 • Hartford, Conn.
(Transcript by Albert Bigelow Paine: CU-MARK, UCCL 12742)
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Sir: The word “Patricide” in your issue of this morning, (telegrams) was an error. You meant it to describe the slayer of a father; you should have used “parricide” instead. Patricide merely means the killing of an Irishman—any Irishman, Male or female.
J. Hammond Trumbull
N. J. Burton
J. H. Twichell.
Transcript by Albert Bigelow Paine, CU-MARK. Paine or his typist indicated on the typescript that this
letter was from “M. T. to C. H. Clarke.” The signatures by
Trumbull, Burton, and Twichell were clearly in jest.
Provenance:See Paine Transcripts in Description of Provenance.