per Telegraph Operator
29 December 1874 • Hartford, Conn.
(Paraphrase: New York Tribune, 30 Dec 74)
In the evening King Kalakaua, with Govs. Dominis and Kapena and Lieut. Totten, attended the representation of the “Gilded Age” at the Park Theater.1 A telegraphic dispatch from Mark Twain was received during the day, in which he expressed regret that he could not be present to receive the King at the theater, and invited the King and suite to lunch with him at Hartford on Thursday. The invitation was declined.2
Explanatory Notes
Colonel Mulberry Sellers was introduced he said,
“Your Majesty, excuse my appearance. I’m to be
drunk in the next act.” The King, holding up a glass of
sparkling champagne, quickly retorted, “We will excuse
the water.” “Then, perhaps Your Majesty will
not refuse a turnip; they won’t cure a cold, but turnips
will keep away the plague.” (“The Royal
Visitor,” New York Herald, 30 Dec
74, 5) Kalakaua was suffering from a severe cold, which he
attributed to the “some-what inhospitable climate”
(New York World: “Our Royal
Guest,” 24 Dec 74, 1; New York Evening
Post: “Arrival of King Kalakaua,” 24 Dec
74, 1; New York Times: “The King of
the Sandwich Islands,” 30 Dec 74, 5; New York Tribune: “A Royal Guest,”
24 Dec 74, 1; “Recreations of the Hawaiian King,”
30 Dec 74, 5).
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
L6, 334–335.